Use the procedures in this section to repair a Configuration Manager 2007 central site using the Site Repair Wizard.

To start the Site Repair Wizard from the Configuration Manager console

  1. Navigate to System Center Configuration Manager \ Site Database \ Site Management \ <site name>.

  2. Right-click <site name>, and then click Repair Site.

  3. Close the Configuration Manager console.

    You can only start the Site Repair Wizard from the Configuration Manager console that is installed on the site server to be repaired. The option to start the Site Repair Wizard is not available on remote Configuration Manager console installations.

To start the Site Repair Wizard from the Start menu

  • Click Start, click Microsoft System Center, click Configuration Manager 2007, and then click ConfigMgr Site Repair Wizard.

To restore a central site from backup files

  1. On the Site Repair Wizard Welcome page, ensure Site server to be repaired displays the site server name that you have to repair and then click Next.

    If the Local drives on site server and SQL Server destination option has been selected for the backup destination in the Backup ConfigMgr Site Server maintenance task, you must manually copy the site database backup files to the same location as the site data backup files before the backup can continue.
  2. On the Backup File Location page, click Browse to open the Browse for Folder dialog box, and browse to the location of the most recent site backup snapshot files (the backup destination specified in the Backup ConfigMgr Site Server maintenance task) and then click OK to close the Browse for Folder dialog box.

    If the purpose of the site repair is to recover lost site settings only and the site database does not have to be restored, select the Do not restore database option.
  3. On the Progress page, review the steps the Site Repair Wizard takes to begin the repair process to ensure that they have completed successfully, and then click Next.

  4. On the Parent Site Settings page, ensure that This is a central site is selected.

  5. On the Verify Site Hierarchy page, verify that the displayed site hierarchy information to be restored from backup is correct. If child site or child site address information has changed after the last backup snapshot was created, you can view the properties of child site and child site sender address information stored in the backup snapshot. Select the child site or child site sender address, and then click Properties. If the child site was attached to, or detached from, the site to be recovered after the last backup snapshot was created, click Add to add the site to the repair information or Remove to remove the site from the site repair information. For new or deleted site sender addresses, click New or Delete in Addresses for selected site:.

  6. (Optional). On the Reference Connection page, select a site that was active and that can be accessed to the site to be recovered from the time the last backup snapshot was created and the time the Site Repair Wizard was started. The reference site is used to recover any objects created at the primary site after the site was last backed up. For example, if a new collection was created at the site to be repaired after it was last backed up, the new collection can be recovered from the child reference site selected in Recover data from reference site.

  7. On the Reference Site Data Recovery page, review the steps the Site Repair Wizard takes to recover reference site data to ensure they have completed successfully and then click Next.

  8. On the Object Pad page, specify an approximate number of collections, packages, and advertisements that were created at this site after it was last backed up. This is to ensure that future collections, advertisements and collections created at the site after it is repaired do not contain duplicate IDs to those previously created. If non-zero data are displayed in Collections, Packages, and Advertisements, it is based on the data recovered from a reference site.

  9. On the Package Recovery page, you can verify that software distribution source files are available to the site server and that the local distribution point is up-to-date. To ensure that the local distribution point is updated with the most recent version of software distribution source files for packages, you can click Update the distribution point on this site server. If a distribution point is not installed locally on the site server to be repaired, you can skip this step by clicking Skip package verification.

  10. On the Summary page, review the summary of site repair actions that you have selected. To change any of the displayed settings, click Back. To begin the repair process, click Next.

    After clicking Next on the Summary page, the site repair process starts, and you cannot go back to previous steps.
  11. On the Final Progress page, review the steps the Site Repair Wizard takes to repair the site to ensure they have completed successfully, and then click Next.

  12. On the Finish page, review the displayed information, and then click Close to finish the site repair process and to close the Site Repair Wizard.

See Also