Topic last updated—November 2007

The topics in this section provide performance recommendations that are the result of testing scenarios based on data processing for a central site, with the maximum number of 200,000 supported clients in a Configuration Manager hierarchy, and 2 child primary sites, with the maximum number of 100,000 supported assigned clients each in a Configuration Manager site.

For more information about capacity planning for Configuration Manager site systems, see Configuration Manager Site Capacity Planning.

This is not a complete listing of every feature and function implemented during performance testing but rather an example of general performance testing objectives. For more information about common Configuration Manager 2007 performance related questions and sample configurations, see the technical whitepaper at

Before performance testing began, to obtain realistic performance metrics, the Configuration Manager site database was populated with a representative set of Configuration Manager objects.

For each primary site, supporting 100,000 clients, the database size was approximately 40 GB after the initial Configuration Manager object data was imported into the site database.

Production Configuration Manager site databases can be expected to average approximately 3 MB for each client.

In This Section

See Also