Use this dialog box to include IP subnets, IP address ranges, and Active Directory sites within the roaming boundaries of a site.

UI Element List

This dialog box contains the following elements:

Boundary type

Specifies the area of the network that provides distribution point access for roaming clients.The following options are available:
  • IP subnet: Specifies an Internet Protocol subnet. You must specify the IP subnet in the Subnet ID field.

  • Active Directory site: Specifies an Active Directory Domain Service site. You must specify the Active Directory site name in the Site name field.

  • IP address range: Specifies the range of IP addresses that you want to include in the site boundary. You must specify the starting and ending IP address in the Starting IP address and Ending IP address fields.

    IP address ranges are most useful for clients that access RAS or VPN servers. Because clients connecting to RAS and VPN servers typically have an IP subnet mask of, every address is equivalent to a subnet.

Subnet ID

Specifies the subnet providing distribution point access. This option is available only when the IP subnet option is selected.
Site name

Specifies the name of the Active Directory Domain Services site providing distribution point access (maximum 63 characters). This option is available only when the Active Directory site option is selected.
Starting IP address

Specifies the IP address that represents the beginning of the range you want to set for the site boundary. This option is available only when the IP address range option is selected.
Ending IP address

Specifies the IP address that represents the end of the range you want to set for the site boundary. This option is available only when the IP address range option is selected.
Designate this boundary as a local roaming boundary

Specifies whether this boundary will be considered as a local roaming boundary by Configuration Manager.
Designate this boundary as a remote roaming boundary

Specifies whether this boundary will be considered as a remote roaming boundary by Configuration Manager.

Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Opens the help topic for the dialog box.

See Also