The DMCommonInstaller.ini file is used during installation of the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 mobile device client via an ActiveSync or Mobile Device Center connected Configuration Manager 2007 managed computer. One DMCommoninstaller.ini file contains settings necessary to deploy the mobile device client to all supported platforms. The DMCommonInstaller.ini file has separate sections for each of the following supported platforms:

Windows Mobile 6 platforms use Windows Mobile 5 mobile device client settings. Windows Mobile 6 clients are installed with the following values:

Operating System Mobile Device Client Type

Windows Mobile 6 Standard

Windows Mobile Smartphone 5.0

Windows Mobile 6 Professional

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5.0

Windows Mobile 6 Classic

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5.0


To edit the DMCommonInstaller.ini file, do the following:

To edit the DMCommonInstaller.ini file

  1. Navigate to the computer-based mobile device client deployment folder and open the copied DMCommonInstaller.ini file using an ANSI text editor such as notepad.exe. For more information about the mobile device-based mobile device client deployment folder, see How to Create a Mobile Device-Based Mobile Device Client Deployment Folder.

  2. Edit the file for your environment. The DMCommonInstaller.ini file comments include guidance on specific configuration options. Be sure to configure the section or sections specific to the mobile devices being managed by Configuration Manager 2007. For more information about the DMCommonInstaller.ini file values, see Mobile Device Client Configuration Values for DMCommonInstaller.ini and ClientSettings.ini.

  3. Save and close the file.

Do not delete any values from the DMCommonInstaller.ini, even if the default value is used.
DMServerName must be configured with the name of the device management point that will manage the mobile device. DMServerName can be specified as a FQDN or NetBIOS server name depending upon the requirements of the environment.

See Also