The validation criteria in Configuration Manager 2007 define how objects and settings within a configuration item are considered compliant or non-compliant. For example, a registry setting can be considered compliant if it is a set value or a range of values that you consider acceptable.
The validation criteria you can specify depends on the data type of the object property or setting.
String operators:
- Equals
- Not Equals
- One Of
- Begins With
- Ends With
- Contains
- Matches
- All Of
- None Of
- Does not begin with
- Does not end with
- Does not contain
- Does not match
Date and time, integer, floating point, and version operators:
- Equals
- Not Equals
- One Of
- Greater Than
- Less Than
- Between
- None Of
- Greater than or equal to
- Less than or equal to
You can also validate the following file and folder attributes as on, off, or choose to not validate them:
- Archive
- Compressed
- Encrypted
- Hidden
- Read Only
- System
Additionally you can validate the Windows security permissions on registry key objects and on file or folder objects. Permissions can be validated exclusively or non-exclusively. Exclusive validation on permissions means that permissions and groups or users that are not specified, or are specified but not found will result in a non-compliance status. Non-exclusive validation on permissions means that permissions and groups or users that are not specified will not be included when assessing compliance.