The out of band management console in Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later provides powerful administrative control for AMT-based computers, including tasks such as power on and off, check system information and status, boot from an alternative location, reconfigure BIOS settings, and run commands and character-based diagnostic applications.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later.

You can perform these tasks even if computers have not loaded the operating system, the hard disk is not functioning, or the operating system is not responding. A computer must be provisioned for AMT before you can connect to it using the out of band management console, and you must be logged on using one of the AMT user accounts that are configured in Out of Band Management Properties: AMT Settings Tab.

To use the out of band management console, you must have the Manage management controllers security right for the collection that contains the computer that you want to manage, which allows you to view and manage computer options in the out of band management console.

For more information about configuring security rights in the Configuration Manager console, see Overview of Configuration Manager Object Security and WMI.

Some management options, such as IDE redirection and a serial connection, might not be available on computers if they are not enabled in the AMT firmware or on the Out of Band Management Component Configuration Properties: AMT Settings tab. For more information about the AMT options that can be configured in the firmware, see Decide Whether You Need a Customized Firmware Image From Your Computer Manufacturer. For more information about enabling AMT settings in Configuration Manager, see How to Configure AMT Settings and AMT User Accounts.

When you run the out of band management console, the following options are available.



Displays the following option:
  • Exit: Disconnects from a connected computer and closes the out of band management console.


Displays the following options:
  • Connect: Reconnect to the computer so that you can manage it with the out of band management console. This option is not available if the out of band management console is already connected to a computer.

    To connect to another computer, you must first close the out of band management console, select the new computer, and then launch the out of band management console.

  • Disconnect: Disconnects the currently connected computer from the out of band management console. This option is not available if the out of band management console is not currently connected to a computer.


Displays the following option:
  • Open Serial-over-LAN Connection: Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. Starts a serial-over-LAN connection. If the AMT-based computer is currently on a wireless connection, this connection might be disconnected for the duration of the serial-over-LAN session. This option is not available if a serial-over-LAN connection is open.

  • Close Serial-over-LAN Connection: Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. Ends a serial-over-LAN connection. This option is not available if a serial-over-LAN connection is not open.

  • Options: Select the terminal emulation type of ANSI or VT-100 to match the terminal emulation settings in the target computer's BIOS for when you use the option Serial Connection.


Displays the following options:
  • About: Displays the copyright and version information for the out of band management console.

  • Contents F1: Opens the help topic for the out of band management console.

Button Bar


Select a computer for connection so that you can manage it with the out of band management console. This button is not available if the out of band management console is already connected to a computer.

Disconnects the currently connected computer from the out of band management console.This button is not available if the out of band management console is not currently connected to a computer.

Select the terminal emulation type of ANSI or VT-100 to match the terminal emulation settings in the target computer's BIOS. The terminal emulation type is applied when you use the option Serial Connection.

Refreshes the display for the current page, to update the values returned from the selected computer.
Open Serial-over-LAN Connection

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. Starts a serial-over-LAN connection. If the AMT-based computer is currently on a wireless connection, this connection might be disconnected for the duration of the serial-over-LAN session.This button is not available if a serial-over-LAN connection is already open.
Close Serial-over-LAN Connection

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. Ends the current serial-over-LAN connection.This button is not available if a serial-over-LAN connection is not open.


System Status

Displays the following for the connected computer:
  • The power state

  • IP address

  • Host name

  • Domain suffix

  • System ID

  • Date of last refresh

  • Time of last refresh

Some actions in the console might automatically refresh the time value. However, to obtain the latest time retrieved from the AMT-based computer, click Refresh on the button bar. Both the time and the date displayed are in the local time zone for the computer running the out of band management controller.
System Information

Displays the hardware inventory information retrieved out of band for the connected computer. The information that is displayed can vary for different manufacturers.
Power Control

Initiates one of the following power control actions:
  • Power on

  • Power off

  • Restart the computer

If you power on or restart the computer, select one of the supported boot options that is retrieved from the computer. These can typically include the following:
  • Normal boot

  • Boot from local CD/DVD drive

  • Boot from local hard drive

  • Boot from alternative media (and select Boot from local drive or specify the image file for the option Boot from file)

  • Boot from the network

  • Boot to BIOS

Refer to your computer documentation for more information about the supported boot options.
When you boot from alternative media to use the IDE redirection function, you must have the following security permissions to the path that contains the image file: Read, Read & Execute, Write, List Folder Contents.
When you power on or restart a computer, the following options also apply:
  • Bypass BIOS password: Enables or disables the ability to bypass a BIOS prompt for a configured password if it is supported by the AMT firmware.

  • Lock remote keyboard: When enabled, prevents local access to the AMT-based computer keyboard. However, some manufacturers might automatically enable the keyboard lock function even if this option is not enabled.

System Event Log

Displays activity for the management controller on the selected computer with the following buttons:
  • Clear Log

  • Set Log Level

The log level can be set to one of the following:
  • Errors

  • Warning

  • Verbose

IDE-Redirect Log

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. Displays a list of the IDE redirection sessions for the computer.
System Audit Log

For Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 only, displays a list of the IDE redirection sessions for the computer.For Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 and later, displays audit logging information when this is supported by the AMT-based computer and auditing is enabled. For more information about enabling auditing and managing auditing information, see How to Configure AMT Auditing and How to Manage the Audit Log for AMT-Based Computers.
Serial Connection

For Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 only, starts a terminal emulation session so that you can run commands and character-based applications.For Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 and later, displays an opened or closed terminal emulation session so that you can run commands and character-based applications. Click Open Serial-over-LAN Connection on the button bar to start the serial-over-LAN session.
Data Storage

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP2. Allows you to view and store up to 4096 bytes in ASCII characters in the AMT data store.
The data storage options appear read-only when logged on with an AMT User Account that doesn’t have both Data Storage and Data Storage Administration features enabled. For more information about configuring these AMT user settings, see How to Configure AMT Settings and AMT User Accounts.

See Also