Configuration Manager 2007 sites are defined by boundaries. Boundaries are defined by IP subnets, Active Directory site names, IPv6 prefixes or Internet Protocol (IP) ranges. Clients are assigned to a specific Configuration Manager 2007 site based on the boundaries you specify.

When adding boundaries to a site, you should ensure that each site has been assigned a unique set of boundaries. When more than one Configuration Manager site has been assigned the same boundary a situation known as overlapping boundaries occurs. Overlapping boundaries can cause errors in Configuration Manager client operations, and should be avoided.


Used to enter a description for the new boundary.
Site Code

Used to select the site code that the new boundary will apply to.

Select the type of boundary to create. Available options are: IP Subnet, Active Directory Site, IP v6 Prefix, and IP Address Range:

  • IP Subnet.

    • Network:

    • Subnet mask:

    • Subnet ID:


  • Active Directory Site. Maximum 63 characters.

    • Site name:

    • Browse button.


  • IP v6 Prefix

    • Prefix:

When configuring IPv6 prefixes as boundaries for Configuration Manager sites, prefixes entered using IPv6 zero compression are converted to the full IPv6 subnet format. For example, an IPv6 prefix entered as "aa::bb" would need to be translated into "00AA:0000:0000:00BB".

  • IP Address Range

    • Starting address:

    • Ending address:

When an IP address range is used to specify a Configuration Manager boundary, the IP range used for client assignment will include the starting address and ending address specified.For example, if you configure an IP address range as a boundary with a starting address of and an ending address of, clients assigned IP addresses of,, and will be assigned to the site.
Network Connection

Specify how the clients in this boundary will communicate with the site. You must specify whether the network connection is one of the following options:
  • Slow or unreliable.

  • Fast (LAN).

See Also