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access account

A user or user group account that is given access to a package on a distribution point. Access accounts are used for security to specify which users or user groups will be permitted to access the package in order to run advertised programs.


A unique identifier that identifies a network node to other nodes on the network. Also known as the net address or MAC address. In SMS, addresses are used to connect sites and site systems. For more information, see About Addresses.


The administrative process of making a program available to members of a collection. See also assigning.

Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC)

A method of communicating between SNA Server host programs.

advertised program

A program that has been advertised to a collection, but that clients are not required to run. See also assigning; assigned program.


Notification to a collection that a program is available to run. See also assigned program; package. For more information, see About Advertisements.


see Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC).


In SMS, a structure for recording information about an object. There are different architectures for different objects. Each object is composed of groups that contain attributes. An example of an architecture is the Systems architecture.

assigned program

A program that has been advertised to a collection and is mandatory to run. When advertising the program, the administrator specifies one or more times when the program must be run. The administrator can also specify whether users can choose to run the program before the administrator-specified time. If the program is not run by the specified time, it starts automatically. See also advertise; advertised program; assigning.


The administrative process of deploying a program to members of a collection, where acceptance of the program is mandatory. See also advertise; advertised program; assigned program.

Asynchronous RAS Sender

see sender; sender types.


A name or value used to query the SMS site database. For example, the Disk attribute class contains attributes such as Manufacturer, Model, and Name. For more information, see About Attributes and Attribute Classes.



see client access point (CAP).

central site

The primary site at the top of the SMS hierarchy, to which all other sites in the SMS system report their inventory and events. See also child site; parent site; secondary site. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.

child site

A site that has a parent site. In an SMS site hierarchy, every site except the central site is another site's child. Unlike the terms primary site and secondary site, in which a site is one or the other, the terms parent and child are relative; a site can be both. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.


see CIM Object Manager.

CIM Object Manager

The primary component in the management infrastructure of the WBEM technology. Client applications access the CIM Object Manager to find the correct provider.


A computer that has SMS client software installed and belongs to an SMS site. See also resource.

client access point (CAP)

A site system with the CAP role provides a communication point between the site server and client computers. Computers contact CAPs to install and update SMS client software. After SMS client software has been installed on computers in a site, they contact a CAP for updated information from the SMS site server. Clients deliver collected files, inventory information, discovery data records, and status information to CAPs. See also collected files; discovery data record; site server; site system; site system role. For more information, see About Client Access Points.

client agents

Software that runs on SMS clients to perform specific functions. For example, the Software Metering Client Agent reports the applications run on a client to the site system that is assigned the software metering server role. For more information, see Client Agents Configuration Overview.

client assignment

see site assignment.

client components

SMS threads, services, and applications that run on client computers and provide SMS functionality.

client installation

The act of installing SMS client software on discovered computers in a site. For more information, see Client Installation Configuration Overview.

collected files

Files copied from SMS clients as part of software inventory. After the files are collected from clients, they are stored on the site server. See also file collection.


A set of resources in a site defined by membership rules. Collections are used to distribute software, view inventory on clients, and access clients for remote control sessions. An example of a collection is All Windows NT Workstations. See also subcollection; resource.

collection limiting

A method of restricting the scope of a query or a collection membership rule. A query that is collection limited can only return resources that are in a specified collection, even if other resources in the SMS site database match the query criteria.

Common Information Model Object Manager

see CIM Object Manager.


An administrative security relationship between SNMP entities. For SNMP transactions, it is always necessary to specify the community name.

complete inventory

A hardware or software inventory cycle that creates a complete inventory file containing all of the hardware attributes or inventoried software types found on a client. A complete inventory is taken only at initial inventory or when there is a resynchronization. A resynchronization occurs whenever an inventory file tries to update data that does not exist in the SMS site database, when the inventory data is corrupted, or when a client attaches to a new site). Otherwise, a delta inventory is taken. See also site server.

compliance database

A tab-delimited ASCII text file that contains a list of software with a compliance level assigned to each product.

compliance level

The category types indicating the compliance level of a software product.

compliance type

A list of items that differentiates one type of product compliance from another. Y2K compliance and Euro compliance are both compliance types.

component server

A site system that runs one or more of the SMS executive thread components to lessen the processing burden on the site server or to provide duplicate threads. A component server is used when a special communications method, such as RAS, is required to communicate with another site.

console tree

An ordered, hierarchical listing of objects. By default, the console tree is displayed in the left pane of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) window, but it can be hidden. The items in the console tree and their hierarchical order determine the management capabilities of that console. See also SMS Administrator console; snap-in.

Courier Sender

see sender, sender types.

Crystal Info

A tool for designing, scheduling, and viewing reports.



see SMS site database.

database server

The computer running the instance of SQL Server being used by SMS.


see discovery data record (DDR).

delta inventory

A hardware or software inventory cycle that creates a delta inventory file containing all of the information that was added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory. The delta inventory file is generally smaller than the complete inventory file.

Delta MIF

see Management Information Format (MIF) file.

destination address

The address of the computer to which data is sent.


see Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

discovery data

Information that identifies a resource. For example, discovery data for an SMS client can include the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the network connection, the operating system type and version, and a unique SMSUID assigned to the client. The discovery data is provided by the SMS site's resource discovery and is stored in the SMS site database. Collections are populated based on discovery data. You can use discovery data as the criteria that define a collection of SMS clients that receive a software package, such as Microsoft Excel. See also discovery data record (DDR); package.

discovery data record (DDR)

The file format and the actual file in which discovery data is reported to an SMS site database. See also resource discovery.

discovery method

A procedure used to detect and acquire information about resources on the network. When a discovery method is carried out, a discovery data record (DDR) containing information about the resource is returned to the SMS site database. For more information, see Discovery Methods Configuration Overview.

distribution point

A site system with the distribution point role that stores package files received from a site server. Clients contact distribution points to obtain programs and files after they detect that an advertisement is available from a client access point (CAP). See also site server; site system; site system role. For more information, see About Distribution Points.

distribution point group

A set of distribution points that you can manage as a single entity. They simplify management chores when your site includes too many distribution points to manage individually.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

An industry standard method for simplified and dynamic configuration of IP addresses for computers on TCP/IP networks.


event configuration file

A file that contains the Windows NT events that the Event to Trap Translator translates into SNMP traps.

Event to Trap Translator

An SMS component that translates Windows NT events into SNMP traps. For more information, see Event to Trap Translator Overview.

explicit security right

An SMS security right that is assigned to an individual user, not a user group. See also implicit security right.


file collection

The process of copying specific files from SMS clients during software inventory. You can specify the files that SMS collects by using the SMS Administrator console; SMS saves the collected files on the site server. For more information, see About File Collection.



A collection of experts.


hardware history

The section of Resource Explorer that displays the hardware inventory history of a client. Folders for each past inventory contain the classes and properties that changed at that inventory.

hardware inventory

The automated process SMS uses to gather detailed information about the hardware in use on client computers in your organization. See also inventory. For more information, see About Hardware Inventory.


An SMS tool that provides a central, graphical, real-time status view of Windows NT and BackOffice servers. For more information, see HealthMon Overview.


implicit security right

An SMS security right assigned to a user group, not an individual user. See also explicit security right.

Installer executable file

The compressed executable file that SMS Installer generates with the installation script and all of the included files and directories. The installer executable file is a self-extracting executable file that can be distributed to and run on clients.

Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)

The Novell implementation of the Xerox Internet Datagram Protocol Exchange. The IPX protocol handles sessions and broadcasts.


Information that the SMS inventory agents collect for each client in the site. The inventory can include hardware and software information and collected files, depending on the administrator-defined configuration. See also file collection, Inventory Agent. For more information, see About Inventory.

Inventory Agent

A client agent that scans a client for hardware or software inventory and reports the inventory to the SMS site database.

IP address

A 32-bit binary number that identifies the network node to other nodes on the network. An IP address is expressed in dotted quad format, which consists of the decimal values of its 4 bytes, separated with periods (for example, The first set of numbers (127) in the example identifies the network the node is connected to; the remaining numbers identify the node itself.


see Internetwork Packet Exchange.


see sender, sender types.


load signature

A measurement of a computer's hardware resource use throughout daily, weekly, and monthly business cycles.

logical operator

In a query, a connector between two expressions, two subclauses, or a combination of an expression and a subclause. There are three logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT.

logon discovery

A resource discovery method that detects computers when users log on to an SMS-enabled domain.

logon installation

A client installation method that begins when a user logs onto a domain configured for SMS logon installation.

logon point

A site system role that hosts the logon discovery and logon installation methods. See also resource discovery; site system; site system role.


Managed Object Format (MOF) file

A text file that loads schema information into the CIM Object Manager.

Management Information Format (MIF)

A standard designed by the Desktop Management Task Force for exposing data.

Management Information Format (MIF) file

In SMS, inventory information from a client is reported using a MIF file. MIF files can be ASCII text or binary (formerly called a Delta MIF file), and either type can be a full MIF file or an update (formerly called a partial MIF file). SMS services use MIF files to add information to an SMS site database.

membership rule

The criteria by which SMS evaluates whether a resource belongs to a particular collection. A membership rule can be a query or it can explicitly specify a resource.

Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

A framework used to host management tools. Management tools that are hosted in the MMC are known as snap-ins. See also SMS Administrator console; console tree.


see Management Information Format (MIF).

MIF file

see Management Information Format (MIF) file.


see Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

MOF file

see Managed Object Format (MOF) file.



A unit for grouping WBEM classes and instances to control their scope and visibility. In SMS, namespace usually refers to the specific WBEM namespace: \SMS\ Site_<sitecode>. This namespace is the location that exposes the classes and functionality of the SMS Provider.

Network Discovery

A method that uses ARP, DHCP, OSPF, RIP, WINS, DNS, NetBIOS, and SNMP to discover the network topology and all systems and devices attached to the network. Network Discovery is used to collect discovery data about system resources and to find computers that can have SMS client software installed and become SMS clients. See also resource discovery. For more information, see About Network Discovery.

Network Trace

An SMS Administrator console tool that calculates and diagrams routes between an SMS site server and any site system role that you select, based on the discovery data in the SMS site database. For more information, see Network Trace Overview.



An object that contains the files and instructions for distributing software to a distribution point. See also program. For more information, see About Packages.

package definition file

An ASCII text file that contains predefined programs and property settings for a package. You can create a new package by importing a package definition file. SMS includes package definition files for a number of software applications and operating systems.

package distribution

The process of placing a decompressed package image on distribution points, sharing that image, and making it accessible to clients. This occurs automatically when you specify distribution points for a package.

package routing

The SMS 2.0 software distribution process in which a site can route a package to its destination even if it has no direct address. The routing site is able to determine the most appropriate path for the package to reach its destination. Also known as fan-out sending.

package source directory

A directory containing package source files that are used for package distribution.

package source files

The files contained within an SMS package that each advertised program needs in order to run. Each program within the package uses one or more of these source files, if they do not already exist on the target client. For example, Setup program might need installation files and libraries to operate properly when run. See also package distribution; software distribution.


Any set of files that is transferred from one site to another with Courier Sender. Parcels are created in Courier Sender Manager. See also sender; sender types.

parent site

An SMS site that has one or more child sites. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.


The part of a security right that determines what a user can do to a security object; for example, Read, Create, or Delete. For more information, see About Permissions.

permitted viewers

A list of users and user groups who can remotely control a Windows NT-based client.

pragma statement

A line in a Management Information Format (MIF) file or event configuration file that indicates how the information in the file relates to the information in an SMS site database. For example, a pragma might state to add information to the SMS site database.

primary site

A site that has its own SMS site database to store information for itself and its child sites. Primary sites can report to other primary sites and can have both primary and secondary sites report to them. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.

product compliance

An SMS feature that helps identify software products affected by the year 2000, Euro, and other compliance issues.


A set of instructions that controls package execution. Each package typically contains one or more programs, each of which includes parameters such as a command-line to be executed and attributes to control command-line execution. The command line can be an executable file or an installation script that installs a software application, or it can simply copy data files. See also advertisement; collection. For more information, see About Programs.

prompted query

A query in which a dialog box prompts a user for more information. Prompted queries are constructed with a general expression, not a specific value. The SMS Administrator console prompts for the actual value when the query is run. For more information, see About Criterion Types.



A set of criteria used to find objects in an SMS site database. When run, a query searches the SMS site database for objects that match the query's criteria. For example, a query can be used to search for all client computers with Microsoft Word 97 installed. See also inventory.

query clause

In a query, the combination of an expression (or query subclause) and its adjacent logical operator. See also query subclause.

query criteria

The set of criteria used to search for objects.

query expression

A statement that uses an operator (such as "is equal to" or "is like") to compare a specific value against a specific attribute. An expression is made up of an attribute, an operator, and a value.

query group

A set of expressions that are explicitly grouped by parentheses. By making a set of expressions a group, you ensure that the group's expressions are treated as a single entity. Groups have a higher operator precedence than the logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT). For more information, see About Group Parentheses.

query hit count

The number of objects SMS finds in the SMS site database that meet the criteria specified by a query.

query relational operator

Part of an expression (such as "is equal to" or "is like") that defines how an attribute should be compared with a value. See also query expression. For more information, see About Relational Operators.

query result format

The format used to display the results of a query. You use a query result format to select which attributes to display for the list of objects returned in the details pane. A format is specific to a single architecture. For example, you cannot use a query format defined for an Employee object type to display computers that have a Systems object type.

query subclause

A set of expressions that can be logically treated as a single expression. You can explicitly specify that a subclause is a group. For more information, see About Group Parentheses.


reference computer

In SMS Installer, the computer used to build and test an SMS Installer executable file. SMS Installer is installed and run on the reference computer. The reference computer should, as much as possible, match the configuration of the target computers.

Remote Control Agent

A program running on an SMS client that enables an SMS administrator to use remote troubleshooting tools to diagnose client problems or remotely control a client. For more information, see Remote Tools Client Agent Overview.

Remote Tools

Tools that enable an SMS administrator to directly control and monitor remote client computers. For more information, see Remote Tools Overview.


An object, such as a computer, a router, or a Windows NT user group, that can be discovered and potentially be managed by SMS. Resources can be organized into collections. For more information, see About Resources.

resource class

In SMS, manageable resources are divided into these classes:

resource discovery

The act of detecting and acquiring information about resources on the network. For more information, see Discovery Methods Configuration Overview.

Resource Explorer

An SMS Administrator console feature that displays the hardware and software inventory collected from clients. For more information, see About Resource Explorer.


secondary site

An SMS site that has no SMS site database or administrative tools. A secondary site is managed by and forwards inventory and status information to its parent site. A secondary site can only be a child site. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.

security object

The part of a security right on which permissions act. SMS has the following security objects:

Security objects make up both classes and instances. Object classes define a category of instances. For example, the Package object class is all packages, but a Package object instance is one specific package. A user with the Modify permission on the Package object class can modify all packages, but a user with the Modify permission on a Package object instance can modify only the specific package to which the permission applies. For more information, see Security Configuration Overview.

security right

The functional level of access given to an SMS Administrator. Security rights comprise three parts:


The method SMS uses to transfer data and instructions among sites. (Limited sending also occurs within a site). Data or instructions are compressed and written to a send request file. A sender transfers the file to the target site, which routes the data or instructions to the appropriate SMS services.


An SMS thread component that uses an existing connectivity system to communicate with other sites. A sender manages the connection, ensures the integrity of transferred data, recovers from errors, and closes connections when they are no longer needed. See also sender types. For more information, see About Senders.

send request file

A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination.

sender types

There are six types of senders available for use in SMS:

service component

SMS programs that run as Windows NT services that can be started and stopped through the Services icon in Control Panel, in Windows NT 4.0.


see SMS site.

site assignment

The process of allocating selected resources to an SMS site. See also site assignment rules. For more information, see About Sites.

site assignment rules

The list of subnets and IPX network numbers that an SMS administrator defines as the boundaries of an SMS site. SMS uses these rules to determine which resources and clients belong to the site. See also site assignment.

site boundaries

The list of subnets and IPX network numbers that an SMS administrator defines as the boundaries of an SMS site. For more information, see About Sites.

site code

A three-character code that SMS uses to identify a site. When a site is installed, a site code assigned. The site code cannot be changed after installation. Site codes must be unique across an SMS site hierarchy. The valid characters for site codes are A through Z and 0 through 9.

site control file

An ASCII text file (Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the configuration of a site. There are two types of site control files:

site database

see SMS site database.

site database server

A site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the SMS site database (a SQL Server database). The computer might or might not be the site server. See also site server; SMS site database.

site hierarchy

The relationship of all the SMS sites in an organization. A site hierarchy is made up of primary and secondary sites. The main administrative site at the top of the hierarchy is known as the central site. See also primary site; SMS site; subsite. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.

site server

A Windows NT Server computer on which SMS site Setup has been run. When SMS is installed on a computer, that computer is automatically assigned the site server role. The site server, which hosts SMS components needed to monitor and manage an SMS site, typically performs several additional roles, including: component server, client access point (CAP), and distribution point. See also site system role.

site server domain

A Windows NT domain that contains the site server.

site server role

A role assigned by the SMS site server to a site server computer when SMS components are installed on that computer.

site system

A server, Windows NT share, or NetWare volume that provides SMS functionality to the site. The functionality contributed by a site system is indicated by its assigned roles. A site system can perform all roles, or it can perform only one role. You determine some site system roles during installation and others by using the SMS Administrator console. In SMS 2.0, there are four types of site systems:

For more information, see Site Systems Configuration Overview.

site system role

A role that a site system can perform in an SMS site. There are several possible site system roles. All of the roles can be assigned to the primary site server, or they can be spread out over several different site systems. Some of the roles are assigned during installation, and others are assigned through the SMS Administrator console. Although the items below are defined as site system roles, they are also often referred to as servers. For example, the text might refer to the distribution point. In this context, it means the server performing the distribution point role.

site database server

A site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the SMS site database (which is SQL Server). The computer with this role does not have to be the site server as well.

site server

A site system role filled by the Windows NT Server computer where SMS setup has been run. When an SMS site is installed on a computer, it is automatically assigned the site server role. The site server, which hosts SMS components needed to monitor and manage an SMS site, typically performs several additional roles, including: component server, client access point (CAP), and distribution point.

SMS Administrator console role

A site system role filled by a computer that is running Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation and that has the SMS Administrator console installed.

SMS Provider Role

A site system role that processes requests for data from the SMS site database. The SMS Provider can be installed only on a primary site server or the site database server.

software metering database server

A site system role assigned to the computer that hosts the software metering database (which is a SQL Server database).

software metering server

A site system role that determines whether a software license can be used. When the Software Metering Client Agent queries the software metering server for a license, the software metering server first determines whether the software can be used and then sends a response to the client. Each software metering site must include at least one software metering server.

site transaction log

A SQL Server log that maintains before and after images of transactions, so that if corruption (such as power loss) occurs, the transaction can be backed out and the database can be returned to its previous state.

SMS Administrator console

The graphical user interface (GUI) used to administer SMS. See also Microsoft Management Console (MMC); snap-in.

SMS component

A program that performs a specific SMS task. In SMS, there are three types of components: service components, thread components, and client components.

SMS Provider

The WBEM provider that exposes SMS site data. The SMS Provider is an intermediary between the CIM Object Manager and any SMS data. The SMS Provider also accesses the SMS site database to provide data to the SMS Administrator console.

SMS Service account

An account used by SMS services on Windows NT computers to access the SMS site systems in a site. For more information, see About the SMS Service Account.

SMS site

Site systems and resources bounded by a group of subnets, such as an Internet Protocol (IP) subnet or an Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) network number. For more information, see About Sites.

SMS site database

A Microsoft SQL Server database that stores discovery data, configuration and status inventory, and software inventory. Every primary site has an SMS site database. The server supporting the SMS site database is automatically assigned the site database server role. See also site system role.


A management tool or set of management tools designed to run within the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). A snap-in can also be defined as code that provides management functionality. See also SMS Administrator console.

SNA RAS Sender

see sender; sender types.

SNMP agent

A process running on an SNMP-managed device that uses SNMP to exchange management information with one or more management stations.

SNMP trap

An unsolicited SNMP packet sent from one SNMP entity to another, usually in response to a stimulus or an event on the sending entity. For more information, see Translating SNMP Traps Overview.

SNMP Trap Translator

see Event to Trap Translator.

software distribution

The automated process of distributing software programs to client computers in your SMS hierarchy.

software inventory

The automated process SMS uses to gather information about software in use on client computers in your organization. For more information, see About Software Inventory.

software metering

The process by which SMS manages software licenses and restricts the use of specific software applications.

Software Metering tool

An SMS tool that you can use to monitor and control the use of software on a network.

Standard Sender

see sender; sender types.

status filter rule

A user-defined rule that determines the actions performed by Status Manager when it receives a status message from a component. Status Manager actions determine whether status messages are written to the SMS site database, replicated to the parent site, and/or written to the Windows NT Event Log. For more information, see Status Filter Rules Configuration Overview.

status indicator

Graphics that depict the overall status of an SMS component or site system. These graphics overlay the Component Status Summarizer and the Site System Status Summarizer in the SMS console tree. The three status indicators are:

A status indicator depicts the state of the most troubled component or site system within a site.

status message

A message for the SMS Administrator console generated by an SMS component. Status messages differ from Windows NT events in that they represent the flow of activity within an SMS site. For more information, see Status Messages Overview.

status message ID

A unique status message identifier. However, each instance of the same status message does not have a different ID. For example, if a certain message's ID is 62, it is 62 every time the message is generated. A status message has the same ID regardless of locale. Status Message Viewer maps each ID to locale-specific message text.

status message property

An optional attribute of a status message that lets you differentiate among groups of messages when querying, finding, and filtering. A status message property can be one of the following: Advertisement ID, Collection ID, Package ID, or User Name. For more information, see About Status Message Properties and Property Values.

status message property value

An optional attribute of a status message property that is applied by the SMS component generating the message. Status message properties let you differentiate messages associated with particular advertisements, collections, packages, and users when querying, finding, and filtering. For more information about status message property value, see About Status Message Properties and Property Values.

status message severity

Each status message has one of three severity levels:

status message type

Each status message has one of the following types:

Status Message Viewer

A tool in the SMS Administrator console used to browse the status messages stored in the SMS site database. For more information, see Status Message Viewer Overview.

status summarizer

A component that works with Status Manager to produce status summaries from status messages and other data in the SMS site database. Status summarizers are displayed in the SMS Administrator console tree, and some use status indicators. Status summarizers are not reports; they are dynamic real-time views of the state of SMS, and they change constantly based on the flow of status messages in a site. For more information, see About Status Summarizers.

status system

The overall system that generates, collects, processes, replicates, and presents status messages and other data to the SMS Administrator console. The status system includes Status Manager, status summarizers, and Status Message Viewer.

storage object

Any addressable device capable of storing data, including:


A collection that is associated with another collection for the purpose of software distribution. For more information, see About Subcollections.


In SMS, a network (such as Internet Protocol [IP] or Internetwork Packet Exchange [IPX]) that is a component of a larger network.


Any site that is any number of levels below the current site in a hierarchy. For more information, see About Site Hierarchies.

system database

see SMS site database.


target computers

Client computers that receive an SMS Installer executable file. See also reference computer.

thread component

An SMS program that runs as a thread of the SMS Executive service component. A thread component can be started and stopped through the SMS Service Manager.


A user-defined limit, such as a number of status messages or a percentage of available storage space. When a HealthMon threshold is crossed, a component's state changes from Normal to Warning, or from Warning to Critical. When a status message threshold is crossed, a status indicator changes from OK to Warning, or from Warning to Critical. (Status message thresholds are configured as part of the status summarizer configuration.) For more information, see HealthMon Overview or Status Summarizers Configuration Overview.


In SMS, a bundle of related status messages that are evaluated together as a single unit.



see Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM).

WBEM Application

An executable application that makes API calls to the CIM Object Manager to view or manage data from providers. Formerly called WBEM client.

Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)

A collection of technologies designed to facilitate management of an organization.

Windows Management

The Microsoft implementation of one of the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) standards for identifying and manipulating managed objects.

Windows Management Service

A Windows NT service that starts and stops the CIM Object Manager.


X25 RAS Sender

see sender; sender types.