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About This Book

Welcome to Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Training Kit. This book provides you with the knowledge and skills required to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot Systems Management Server version 2.0. The contents of this book reflect the significant changes in the product from previous versions and provide a task-oriented discussion of all of the important features that SMS provides for administrators.

For more information on becoming a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, see the "The Microsoft Certified Professional Program" section later in About This Book.

Each chapter in this book is divided into lessons. Most lessons include hands-on procedures that allow you to practice or demonstrate a particular concept or skill. Each chapter ends with a short summary and a set of review questions to test your knowledge of the chapter material.

The "Getting Started" section of this introductory section provides important setup instructions that describe the hardware and software requirements to complete the procedures in this course. It also provides information about the networking configuration necessary to complete most of the hands-on procedures. Read through this section thoroughly before you start the lessons.