The SMS Advanced Client makes extensive use of COM Automation objects to facilitate simple scripting. The objects provide for scripting of client software distribution tasks, site configuration settings, and various Advanced Client Control Panel tasks.

The SMS Advanced Client Automation objects can be categorized as follows:

For more information, see the SMS Automation topics in the SMS 2003 SDK.

Software Distribution Objects

The main entry point to the Software Distribution Automation objects is the UIResourceMgr object. From there, various methods and properties can get you to the underlying objects, such as the cache and program objects.

The Software Distribution Automation objects allow you to control client software distribution tasks such as the following:

For more information about the SMS Software Distribution objects, see the SMS 2003 SDK.

Control Panel Objects

The root COM Automation object for the Control Panel tasks is the CPApplet object. The Control Panel COM Automation objects allow you to script the functionality found in the Advanced Client Control Panel application. For example, you can create scripts to perform the following tasks:

For more information about the SMS Control Panel objects, see the SMS 2003 SDK.

Client Site Object

SMSClient is the Advanced Client site and management point configuration Automation object. You can use SMSClient to set and read various Advanced Client settings, such as the following:

For more information about the SMS client site object, see the SMS 2003 SDK.

See Also