Words, Phrases, and Wildcard Characters

You can search for words or phrases and use wildcard characters in search queries. The following table provides examples of the query expressions you can use and the expected results.

Search For Example Result
A single word select Topics that contain the word "select." (You will also find its grammatical variations, such as "selector" and "selection").
A phrase

"new operator"
'new operator'

Topics that contain the literal phrase "new operator" and all its grammatical variations. Without the quotation marks, the query is equivalent to specifying "new AND operator," which will find topics containing both of the individual words, instead of the phrase.

Wildcard characters


Topics that contain the terms "ESC," "escape," "escalation," and so on. The asterisk cannot be the only character in the term.


Topics that contain the terms "80186," "80286," "80386," and so on. The question mark cannot be the only character in the term.


Topics that contain the terms "386," "486," "x86," "QEMM386," "8086," and so on.

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