Program Properties Dialog Box: Requirements Tab

Use this tab to specify the client platforms on which the program will run and other information, such as estimated disk space and run time.

Estimated disk space
A whole number greater than or equal to zero that represents the amount of disk space the software will require when installed on the client, or Unknown (the default setting). Also, specify the units for the value. On client computers, the specified value appears in Advertised Programs (in Control Panel).
Estimated run time
A whole number greater than zero that represents the time (in minutes) required to run the program on the client, or Unknown (the default setting). On client computers, the specified value appears in Advertised Programs (in Control Panel).

If you specify Unknown, SMS will not monitor a program's elapsed run time.

Notify user if the program runs 15 minutes longer than estimated
SMS will monitor the run time of the program and warn the user if the program is taking longer to run than the estimated time. By default, this check box is cleared.
This program can run on any platform
The program can run on any platform. If this option is selected, SMS does not check the platform type when advertising the program to clients. By default, this option is selected.
This program can run only on specified platforms
The processors, operating systems, and service packs on which this program will run. When this option is selected, at least one platform must also be selected. By default, no platforms are selected. SMS uses this information when evaluating which clients in a collection are to receive the advertised program.

Note    If you advertise this program to clients in SMS 1.2 sites, SMS performs a less in-depth level of platform checking than it does for SMS 2.0 clients. Platform checking for SMS 1.2 clients is limited to Windows 3.1, Windows 95, x86 Windows NT, Alpha Windows NT, and Macintosh.

Additional requirements
Other information for clients, up to 127 characters. This field is optional. If specified, the text appears on client computers in Advertised Programs (in Control Panel).

For example, you can notify users that they should shut down all other applications before running this program.

Other tabs in this dialog box: General, Environment, Advanced

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Create a Program

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Using Programs in Packages Overview