When the Export Wizard completes, after using the Export a test catalog XML file and supporting scan files for testing option, it creates a folder in the specified location and copies the custom updates test catalog, scan tool, schema files, and a script with the appropriate command-line parameters. The files in the export for test folder provide the ability to test a catalog without synchronizing the catalog to an SMS 2003 site server. Use the following procedure to test the catalog on computers.

To use the export for test catalog

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder where the export for test files are located.

  2. Double-click Runscan.cmd to scan the local client for the custom updates defined in the exported catalog and create the TestResults.xml file containing the results of the scan.

  3. Double-click TestResults.xml to view the results of the scan. The default Web browser opens displaying a list of the custom updates in the test catalog that are applicable to the client. For a complete listing of all updates that were scanned for on the client, see the CSTScan_<ComputerName>.log file located in the <Test Catalog Location>\Logs folder.

  4. To run the test scan on a remote client, create a share on the folder where the export for test files are located, map a drive to the share, browse to the share, and then double-click Runscan.cmd.

    The scan results for the client are appended to the TestResults.xml file and the applicable updates display grouped by each client.

    When a scan is rerun on clients, the existing scan results for that client are replaced with the new scan results in the TestResults.xml file.

See Also

Other Resources

Exporting Custom Updates