Use the Define Prerequisite Rules page of the Create Update Wizard or the Modify Update Wizard to configure the higher-level prerequisite rules for the custom software update. When the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates is used to scan clients for custom update applicability, these are the first rules validated. If the verification requirements defined in the prerequisite rules are not met, the custom update is considered to be not applicable to the client. Prerequisite rules typically check for operating system version, processor architecture, language, and so on.

The prerequisite rules are optional, but defining at least one rule might save processing time on clients when scanning for updates. When a client does not meet a prerequisite rule, the custom update is immediately considered not applicable and the other rules defined for the custom update are not processed.

This page contains the following UI elements:

Expression Builder

Specifies the prerequisite rules defined for the custom update. For more information about creating rules, see How to Create New Rules in the Create/Modify Update Wizard
XML View

Provides an XML read-only view of the defined prerequisite rules.

Returns to the previous page of the wizard.

Moves to the next page of the wizard.

Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also