The Publish Wizard guides you in publishing the custom software updates that have been flagged for publishing and synchronizing the custom updates to an SMS 2003 site server database. The following procedures provide detailed steps for starting and using the wizard.

To view detailed descriptions for configuration options when on a page in the Publish Wizard, press F1. For more information about the Import Software Updates Catalog Wizard and the configuration options on each wizard page, see Publish Wizard.

To start the Publish Wizard

  1. In the Custom Updates Publishing Tool console, select the Custom Updates Publishing Tool repository, vendor, or product node in the tree pane.

  2. Start the Publish Wizard by performing one of the following actions:

    1. Right-click the custom update or node, and then click Publish Update(s).

    2. On the Action menu item, click Publish Update(s).

    3. In the Action pane, click Publish Update(s).

    Only custom updates with the publish flag set are published. At least one custom update must have the publish flag set to start the Publish Wizard.

To use the Publish Wizard

  1. On the Specify Path page, configure each of the following settings:

    • Publishing Path: Configure the publish location for the custom software updates that have the publish flag set. A .cab file containing the custom updates is created in the specified path. The .cab file is also hashed with SHA1, and the hash is placed in an .xml file. The publishing tool compares the value in the .xml file to determine whether the .cab file has changed since the last update. If synchronization is selected, this setting is disabled. The catalog name is The signature file name is UpdatesCatalog.xml.

    • Synchronize with Site Database of Systems Management Server: Configure whether to synchronize the software updates catalog to the SMS 2003 site server database. The publishing path is disabled if this option is selected and the is created in the user's %TEMP% folder, copied to the package source for the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates, and the updates are copied to the site server database. After the synchronization is complete, the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates can be used to scan clients for software update applicability and the software updates can be distributed to clients that require them.

  2. On the Summary page, which displays a summary of the custom updates publish and synchronization properties, click Next to publish and synchronize the updates.

    The Progress page displays the status and progress while publishing the custom updates.

  3. The Confirmation page displays a summary of the configured properties for the custom updates that were published. If an error occurred during the publishing process, the error message displays in the properties pane. Click Close to exit the wizard.

    When you distribute your catalog file, always copy UpdatesCatalog.xml to the same location as Otherwise, the publishing tool cannot tell whether it has retrieved the most recent version of the catalog.

See Also