applicability rules

Created in the Expression Builder to determine whether a software update is applicable to a specific client. For example, the rule might define a specific file with a file version less than a specific value. If the client has the file with a version less than the specified value, the custom update is applicable.
article ID

Specifies the ID for the article that contains more information about the custom update.
Baseline Security Analyzer

bulletin ID

Provides additional information about a custom update and is usually associated with Microsoft security software updates. Other vendors may or may not provide the bulletin ID.

Contains the definitions for the custom updates. Used by the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates to determine what files are scanned for on clients.
certificate revocation list (CRL)

A digitally signed list issued by the Certification Authority (CA) that contains a list of certificates issued by the CA that have been revoked.

Specifies the classification type for a custom update. Possible values are Critical Updates, Feature Packs, Updates, Security Updates, Service Packs, Hotfixes, Tools, and Update Rollups.
CST compliant

Specifies that a catalog satisfies the predefined schema standard for the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates. The Custom Updates Publishing Tool creates catalogs that are CST compliant.

Specifies the Common Vulnerability and Exposures (CVE) identification number that provides security information about the custom update.
data source

The server name and instance for the Custom Updates Publishing Tool database.

The process in the Custom Updates Publishing Tool for exporting specified custom updates to a cabinet file (CAB) that can be imported into the publishing tool at another location.
Export for Test

The process in the Custom Update Publishing Tool for exporting specified custom updates for testing without synchronizing the catalog to an SMS 2003 site server database.
installable rules

See applicability rules.
installed rules

Created in Expression Builder to determine whether the custom update is already installed on the client.
low-rights users

Users in an environment where they have very few rights on the local computer, often excluded from the Administrators and Power Users security groups.

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. The tool detects common security misconfigurations and missing security updates on computer systems, and ensures consistency with other Microsoft management products, including Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services, Systems Management Server, and Microsoft Operations Manager.

The package source folder for the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates and the Scan Tool for Vulnerability Assessment. The default package locations are \Program Files\Custom Update Scan Tool\PkgSource and \Program Files\Microsoft Vulnerability Assessment Tool\PkgSource.
prerequisite rules

Created in Expression Builder as an initial check to verify that the custom update is needed on the client.

The database used to store the custom software updates metadata.
signed catalog

A catalog that is encrypted with a public key and contains a digital signature from the vendor, to ensure that it is from the vendor and has not been altered.
software development package (SDP)

The XML format that is used to describe the individual custom updates and required by the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates.

The process used by the Custom Updates Publishing Tool to synchronize the custom updates flagged for publishing to the SMS 2003 site server database.
synchronization role

A setting in the Custom Updates Publishing Tool that configures an SMS 2003 site server and the package source (PkgSource) location for the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates. Synchronization is available after the synchronization role has been configured.
systems management catalog (SMC)

The catalog format that contains one or more SDPs and acts as the root node in a software updates catalog.
unsigned catalog

A catalog that is not encrypted with a public key or digitally signed by the vendor.
update ID

Specifies the ID assigned to the custom update by the vendor.