Use the Specify Export Type page in the Custom Updates Publishing Tool Export Wizard to configure whether to export the specified custom updates to a cabinet file (CAB) or to a test catalog Extensible Markup Language (XML) file.

This page contains the following elements:

Export a cabinet file that can be imported by other publishing tools

Specifies that the custom updates will be exported to a CAB file that can be imported by other publishing tools.
Export a test catalog XML file and supporting scan files for testing

Specifies that the custom updates will be exported to a catalog XML file for testing. By using the exported test catalog, local and remote clients can be scanned for the custom updates where the results can be verified prior to synchronizing with the SMS 2003 site server. For more information about using the test catalog, see How to Use the Export for Test Catalog.

Returns to the previous page of the wizard.

Moves to the next page of the wizard.

Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also