The Custom Updates Publishing Tool has many commands available from the console. The following table lists the commands, where in the console each command is available, and a brief description of each.

Command Perform Action from Description

Add Product

Vendor node

Adds a new product under the active vendor node. The default name for the new product is New Product. Products are listed in alphabetical order.

Add Vendor

Custom Updates Publishing Tool node

Adds a new vendor under the Custom Updates Publishing Tool node. The default name for the new vendor is New Vendor. Vendors are listed in alphabetical order.

Clear All Publish Flags

Any node

Clears the publish flag for all custom updates in the current node and all sub nodes. Only custom updates with their publish flag set can be published.

Clear Publish Flag

One or more custom update selected

Clears the publish flag for the highlighted custom update. Clear the publish flag on multiple updates by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the updates.

Create Update

Any node

Starts the Create Update Wizard where a new custom update is created.


Vendor or Product node

Deletes the current node and any sub nodes. The node is deleted only after confirming this action.


One custom update selected

Creates a copy of the selected custom update with the same name, but prefixed by Copy of. Only one update can be duplicated at a time.


One custom update selected

Starts the Modify Update Wizard where the highlighted custom update can be modified. Only one update can be modified.


Any node

Starts the Export Wizard where the Custom Updates Publishing Tool can export to a cabinet file (CAB) to be imported by other publishing tools or to a test catalog XML file for testing.


Any node

Starts the help file for the Custom Updates Publishing Wizard.

Hide Filter

Any node

Hides the display for the search filter, which allows the custom updates displayed to be filtered. This option is only available if the filter is currently displayed.

Import Update

Any node

Starts the Import Software Update Catalog Wizard where new catalogs can be imported.

Manage Rules

Any node

Starts the Manage Rules dialog box where saved rules can be created, modified, or deleted.

Publish Update

Any node

Starts the Publish Wizard where all custom updates that have the publish flag set can be published to a catalog file and synchronized to an SMS 2003 site server.


Vendor or Product node

Renames the current node. If the new name already exists in the tree, a message appears asking whether the contents of the current node should be moved to the node with the same name.

For example, there are vendors named Vendor1 and Vendor2, each with products defined. Vendor2 is renamed to Vendor1. A message appears asking whether the products from Vendor2 should be moved to Vendor1. Click Yes to move the products to Vendor1 and delete Vendor2, which combines the two vendors. Click No to discard the changes and keep the product Vendor2.


Any node

Refreshes the current view.


Any node

Launches the Settings dialog box where import files, synchronization, and data source settings are modified.

Set All Publish Flags

Any node

Sets the publish flag for all custom updates in the current node and all sub nodes. The tool fails to set the publish flag for any custom update without an Installed rule or Windows Installer update with an invalid Applicability rule. Only custom updates with their publish flag set can be published.

Set Publish Flag

One or more custom updates selected

Sets the publish flag for the highlighted custom update. Set the publish flag on multiple updates by holding down the CTRL key while selecting the updates.

Show Filter

Any node

Displays the search filter and allows the custom updates displayed to be filtered. This option is available only if the filter is currently hidden.

See Also