The SMS 2003 R2 Inventory Tool for Custom Updates Setup must run on an SMS 2003 SP2 site server and the inventory scan tool distributed to SMS 2003 SP2 Advanced Clients. For a comprehensive list of the minimum hardware and software configuration requirements for SMS 2003 SP2 site servers and Advanced Clients, see Supported Configurations for SMS 2003 SP2 available from the Systems Management Server 2003 Product Documentation Web page (

Minimum Hard Disk Space Requirement

The SMS site server and the Advanced Clients have the following hard drive requirements for the Inventory Tool for Custom Updates installation.

SMS Site Server

To install the SMS 2003 R2 Inventory Tool for Custom Updates, the site server must have the following minimum hard drive requirements:

  • At least 10 MB of available hard disk space for the installation directory.

  • At least 20 MB of available hard disk space for the folder that contains the log files.

  • Installation hard drive must be local, formatted NTFS, and must not be encrypted.

SMS Advanced Clients

To install the inventory tool on the SMS 2003 SP2 Advanced Clients, each client must have the following minimum hard drive requirements:

  • At least 5 MB of available hard disk space for the inventory scan tool installation.

  • At least 2 MB for the inventory scan tool log files.

Microsoft XML

The SMS 2003 SP2 site server and clients must have Microsoft XML (MSXML) 3.0 or later installed. All client computers capable of running the SMS 2003 R2 Inventory Tool for Custom Updates should already have a supported version of MSXML, but if needed, download MSXML 3.0 from the Microsoft Web site.

Windows Installer

The SMS 2003 SP2 Advanced Clients much have Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or later installed. All client computers capable of running the SMS 2003 R2 Inventory Tool for Custom Updates should already have a supported version of Windows Installer, but if needed, download Windows Installer from the Microsoft Web site.

See Also