Use this procedure to edit workflow details.

To edit workflow details

  1. In the Management Pack Explorer, expand Workflow, right-click the workflow, and then click Details. If you are already editing the workflow, right-click the authoring pane background, and then click Details.

  2. If you want to edit the workflow description, in the Details pane, click the Description box and type a new description, or click the ellipsis (...) button to open the Workflow Properties dialog box. Click the Description box, and then edit the description.

  3. If you want to edit any of the other workflow details, in the Details pane, click any of the details, and then click the ellipsis (...) button to open the Workflow Properties dialog box. You can edit the following details:

    • Name. On the General tab, click Name, and then edit the Workflow name.

    • Retry and timeout limits. On the General tab, click Advanced, and then edit the appropriate values.

    • Trigger condition for a timer-based workflow. On the Scheduler tab, edit the appropriate values.

    • Trigger condition for a query-based workflow. On the Trigger tab, edit the appropriate values.

      If you change the trigger class of the workflow while the workflow is open in the authoring pane, any activity details that were set to use values from properties of the trigger class are cleared. The workflow does not run until you reset those activity details to use values from the new trigger class.
    You cannot change the type of trigger that the workflow uses. For example, after you create a workflow that uses a timer trigger, you cannot change it to use a query trigger instead.