As an administrator, you can manually add, revise, delete, and search for knowledge articles and configuration items using the Service Manager console in System Center Service Manager 2012. Both knowledge articles and configuration items are used during day-to-day operational tasks by users who are not members of the Administrator user role. The following table lists tasks you have to perform as an administrator to manage knowledge and configuration items.

In This Section

Task Description

How to Manually Create Configuration Items

Describes how to manually create computer configuration items.

How to Create a Service

Describes how to create a service from configuration items.

How to Create a View for Imported Configuration Items

Describes how to create a view to edit and examine configuration items that do not have associated forms.

How to Initiate the Deletion of a Configuration Item

Describes how to delete configuration items.

How to Complete the Deletion of a Configuration Item

Describes how to permanently delete configuration items.

How to Add, View, or Remove Related Configuration Item Information

Describes how to add, browse, or delete related configuration item information.

How to Create a Knowledge Article

Describes how to create a new knowledge article to record information.

How to Search for a Knowledge Article

Describes how to search for a knowledge article.