Child Nodes

This is a node that has a parent node. In an SCRM 2006 hierarchy, every node (except the central node) is the child of another node. A node can be both a parent node and a child node.

See also: Parent Node

Context Menu

In the SCRM 2006 Administrator console, when you click any item either in the scope pane, or in the results pane, you will view a menu with options relevant to the specified item. This menu is known as context menu.

See also: SCRM Administrator Console, Scope Pane, Results Pane

Console Tree

This is an ordered, hierarchical listing of objects. The items in the console tree and their hierarchical order determine the management capabilities of that console.

See also: SCRM Administrator console


Data Sources

A data source in SCRM 2006 refers to the combination of a particular computer, a SQL Server instance and a database, which contains data compatible with SCRM 2006.

Note: In addition customers have the ability to import Business Context Data (e.g., Active Directory) via script or xls import.

Data Source Instance

For SCRM 2006, valid data sources must be instances of the following:

See also: Data Sources, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 SP1 and above, Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 SP2 and above

Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a database model that improves the user's capability of analyzing large and multi-dimensional data sets. It unbinds unimportant data fields from the data and organizes the data so that the user's can make business decisions based on facts. The data in the data warehouse has strong analytical characteristics.

Data Retention Groups

These are a list of related tables in the SCRM 2006 data warehouse. Data Retention Groups have been introduced to provide control over the retention period for different types of data, and to ensure that closely related data share the same retention period.

Each Data Retention Group may have a different Data Retention Period set. For example:

The UI for setting the Data Retention Period associated with each Data Retention Group is data-driven by the contents of the Data Retention Groups table(s).

See also: Data Retention Period; Data Retention Policy; Grooming

Data Retention Period

This refers to the period specified for grooming jobs in SCRM 2006. It is the duration that the data is retained and stored in the data warehouse. After the data retention period is over, the data is groomed from the SCRM data warehouse. The data retention period is specified in days.

See also: Grooming

Data Retention Policy

This is a global setting for the SCRM 2006 data warehouse. A specified data retention period for MOM 2005 SP1 and above grooming jobs affects all data from MOM 2005 SP1 and above and a specified data retention period for SMS 2003 SP2 and above grooming jobs affects all SMS 2003 SP2 and above data.

See also: Settings; MOM 2005 SP1 and above; SMS 2003 SP2 and above


A user can delete a data source by right clicking on the data source in the results pane. The data source can be deleted only if no DTS jobs have been run against it.


The SCRM 2006 data warehouse is a collection of MOM 2005 SP1 and above DTS Jobs, SMS 2003 SP2 and above DTS Jobs, MOM 2005 SP1 and above Grooming Jobs, and SMS 2003 SP2 and above Grooming Jobs. A user can choose to either enable or disable any job. This is done either from the properties dialog box of the specified job, or by using the context menu in the results pane. You can also enable or disable a data source. If a data source is disabled, all jobs associated with that data source get disabled. Disabling a data source will disable the jobs associated with that data source.

See also: DTS Jobs; Grooming Jobs; Enable; Context Menu; Results Pane

DTS Jobs

These jobs move data from the data sources to the SCRM 2006 data warehouse. Reports generated from the SCRM 2006 data warehouse will not contain data from data sources until DTS jobs have successfully moved the data to populate the reports into the data warehouse.

See also: Data Sources, Data Warehouse, Reports



The SCRM 2006 data warehouse is a collection of MOM 2005 SP1 and above DTS Jobs, SMS 2003 SP2 and above DTS Jobs, MOM 2005 SP1 and above Grooming Jobs, and SMS 2003 SP2 and above Grooming Jobs. A user can choose to either enable or disable any job. This is done either from the properties dialog box of the specified job, or by using the context menu in the results pane. You can also enable or disable a data source.

See also: Enable/Disable/Delete a data source; DTS Jobs; Grooming Jobs; Disable; Context Menu; Results Pane


Fiscal Calendar

This is a global setting in SCRM 2006. The Fiscal Calendar enables the Administrator to specify the start and end dates for the fiscal year and for each fiscal quarter. This information is then available for grouping and roll-ups for custom reports.

Note: This data is not used in any of the SCRM "out-of-box" reports, but is available for use in custom created reports.

See also: Settings


Global View

This enables a user to view a collection of all existing jobs or items.


This refers to the manual removal of data from the data warehouse after a specified period of time.

See also: Data Retention Period

Grooming Jobs

These jobs in SCRM 2006 are those jobs that are run to remove data that has exceeded the specified retention period.

See also: Grooming; Data Retention Period 


For SCRM 2006, refers to grouping of reports.

Reporting groups consist of all the data sources that have been defined for a single SCRM data warehouse, the data warehouse itself and the associated SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Server.

See also: Reports; Data Warehouse; SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services


Home Page

The Home page of Microsoft System Center Reporting Server 2006 Administrator Console enables you to configure and administer tasks in SCRM 2006.The Home page is displayed when the Microsoft System Center Data Warehouse node is selected, and the configuration items required to host reports have been completed.

See also: Start Page


When displayed in the Results pane, Job History enables you to view the job name, the start time of the job, its run period, run status, whether success or failure and the job type (grooming or DTS).

See also: DTS Jobs; Grooming Jobs



Jobs in SCRM 2006 refer to MOM 2005 SP1 and above DTS Jobs, SMS 2003 SP2 and above DTS Jobs, MOM 2005 SP1 and above Grooming Jobs, and SMS 2003 SP2 and above Grooming Jobs.

See also: DTS Jobs, Grooming Jobs


Leaf Nodes

These refer to nodes that are displayed in the results pane when a particular node in the console tree is selected.

See also: Results Pane; Scope Pane; Console Tree; Scope Tree; SCRM Administrator Console; Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

List-View Grid

When items in the results pane are listed out in a grid format- that is, each row contains several columns representing different attributes of one particular item- the display is called a list-view grid.

Local User Account

This is a user account on a specific computer. A local user account is available only on the computer where the local account is defined.

Local System Account

The system account is the built-in local system administrator account. It is a member of the Administrators group on the local computer.


Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

It is a framework used to host management tools. Management tools that are hosted in MMC are known as snap-ins.

See also: Scope Pane; Results Pane; SCRM Administrator Console; snap-in

Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 SP1 and above

This is a comprehensive server monitoring solution that helps manage the availability, performance, and security of Windows-based networks and applications.

MOM Data Retention Policy

This is a global setting for the SCRM 2006 data warehouse, and a single data retention period affects all data from all MOM 2005 SP1 and above data sources.

See also: Data Retention Period; Data Warehouse; Data Sources; MOM 2005 SP1 and above

MOM 2005 SP1 and above Data Retention Period

The period specified for MOM 2005 SP1 and above grooming jobs in SCRM 2006 is referred to as Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 SP1 and above Data Retention Period. It is the duration that the data is retained and stored in the data warehouse. After the data retention period is over, the data is groomed from the SCRM data warehouse. The data retention period is specified in days.

See also: Grooming, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 SP1 and above, Data Retention Period

MOM 2005 SP1 and above Data Sources

These are Data Sources that are instances of MOM 2005 SP1 and above. A MOM 2005 SP1 and above data source refers to the combination of a particular computer, an SQL Server instance, and a database, which contains data compatible with MOM 2005 SP1 and above.

See also: Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 SP1 and above; Data Sources



In SCRM 2006 hierarchy, every point is a node, and each node (except the central node) is the child of another node. A node can be both a parent node and a child node.

See: Child Nodes, Parent Nodes


Parent Node

This is an SCRM node that has one or more child nodes.

See also: Child Nodes



The Reports utilized by SCRM 2006 are SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service reports (*.RDL files), and are imported into the SCRM system through the Administrator Console, using the Import Reports Wizard.

See also: SCRM Administrator Console; SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Report Collections

Multiple reports bundled together in XML files. You cannot add or remove reports from the report collections shipped with MOM 2005 or SCRM 2006. Using the SCRM 2006 Administrator console you can import report collections, but not individual reports. Management of individual reports as well as report viewing access control is performed through the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

Examples of Report Collections are:

See also: Reports

Results Pane

This is the pane that displays the results of selecting an item in the SCRM Administrator console. The results that are displayed depend on the item that is selected.

See also: SCRM Administrator console


The roles are SC DW Administrators, SC DW DTS, SC DW SMS DTS and SC DW Viewers.

The members of the SC DW Administrators, SC DW DTS, SC DW SMS DTS and SC DW Viewers groups can launch the SCRM Admin UI.

Only members of the user group SC DW Administrators have permissions to launch the "Add Data Source Wizard" and the "Import Reports Wizard". 

Members of the SC DW Administrators, SC DW DTS and SC DW SMS DTS groups are allowed to launch the "Configure DTS jobs" shortcut.

Run As Account

Run As account credentials are the account specifications provided under which the specified job must run.



A schedule in SCRM 2006 enables you to specify when a particular DTS or grooming job should run.

See also: DTS Jobs, Grooming Jobs

Scope Pane

This is the left pane in the SCRM 2006 Administrator Console, where the console tree items are displayed.

See also: Results Pane; SCRM Administrator Console

SCRM Administrator Console

Provides the interactive interface you use to configure the operation of the SCRM data warehouse. The primary activities accomplished with the SCRM Administrator with the following nodes: Data Warehouse to add DTS jobs, history, and settings; Data Sources, and Report Collections. Admin Console include: adding data sources to the data warehouse, modifying existing data transformation service (DTS) jobs and creating new DTS jobs, configuring global settings such as setting grooming policy for MOM and SMS data, and importing report collections to the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Server.

See also: console tree

Scope Tree

This is the console tree that is displayed in the scope pane of the SCRM 2006 Administrator Console.

See also: Console Tree, Scope Pane; Results Pane; SCRM Administrator Console; Microsoft Management Console (MMC)


The SCRM security model consists of five user groups, they are SC DW Administrators, SC DW SMS DTS, SC DW DTS, SC DW Viewers and SC DW Datareader. These user groups are granted implied permissions to the SCRM Configuration Database by their membership to SQL roles on the SCRM server.

Note: If you are not a member of the Local Administrators group, you must supply your own credentials when creating or changing a DTS job that synchronizes MOM data. If you are a member of the Local Administrators group, you can supply the credentials of any account, including the Local System account.

When the MOM server and MOM operational database are installed on different computers, the Local System account cannot be used to execute the MOM DTS job. In this case, you can use an account with sufficient privileges that is not the Local System account. Alternatively, install the MOM server and the MOM operational database on the same computer.

The following table provides an overview of SCRM User Groups and the Tasks each User Group can perform.

SCRM User Groups and Tasks


SC DW Administrators



SC DW Viewers

SC DW Datareader

Add SMS Data Source


Add MOM Data Source


Schedule an SMS DTS Job



Schedule a MOM DTS Job



Schedule Grooming Jobs


View all Admin Consoles





Execute Stored Procedures (Reporting)



These User groups are granted implied permissions to the System Center Data Warehouse by their membership to SQL roles on the SCRM server.

SCRM 2006 DW Readers Account

The local account, SC DW Readers, is created during setup. The User performing the setup needs to supply a password for this account. After the account is created, it is added to the local SCRM User group SC DW Readers. When SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is set up to use a single account to connect to the database, the SC DW Readers account can be used. Any other account in the SC DW Readers User group can also be used.

SMS Server User Groups

When an SMS data source is added a user group SC DW SMS DTS is created on the SMS server. This user group has permission to read from the SMS database and permissions to write back SMS data such as watermark information. MOM Server User Groups SCRM setup program does not need to create any user groups on MOM servers since SC DW DTS is created when MOM 2005 is installed.


This node in the SCRM 2006 console tree groups three global setting types in the data warehouse. The global setting types defined for SCRM 2006 data warehouse are as follows: Fiscal Calendar, MOM Data Retention Policy, and SMS Data Retention Policy.

See also: Fiscal Calendar; MOM Data Retention Policy; SMS Data Retention Policy

SMS 2003 SP2 and above Data Retention Period

The period specified for SMS 2003 SP2 and above grooming jobs in SCRM 2006 is referred to as SMS 2003 SP2 and above Data Retention Period. SMS grooming supports multiple data retention groups. It is the duration that the data is retained and stored in the data warehouse. After the data retention period is over, the data is groomed from the SCRM data warehouse. The data retention period is specified in days.

See also: Grooming, Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 SP2 and above, Data Retention Period; Data Retention Groups

SMS Data Retention Policy

This is a global setting for the SCRM 2006 data warehouse. SMS grooming supports multiple data retention groups. The four groups are:

See also: Data Retention Period; Data Warehouse; Data Sources; MOM 2005 SP1 and above


A management tool or a set of management tools designed to run within Microsoft Management Console (MMC). A snap-in can also be defined as code that provides management functionality.

See also: Microsoft Management Console (MMC); SCRM Administrator console

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

This is a comprehensive, server-based reporting solution that can author, manage, and deliver both paper-oriented and interactive, Web-based reports.

Start Page

After installing Microsoft System Center Reporting Manager 2006, when you launch the application for the first time, the Start page is displayed.

See also: Home Page

Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 SP2 and above

Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and above provides a comprehensive solution for change and configuration management for the Microsoft platform, enabling organizations to provide relevant software and updates to users quickly and cost-effectively.



Dialog Boxes enable you to provide specifications for various aspects of one particular item or a task. Tabs are provided in dialog boxes to display the page for providing specifications in context with a specific aspect.