AlertNotificationSubscription Properties

Updated: April 16, 2012

  Name Description
public property Actions  Gets the notification actions for this notification subscription. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property BccRecipients  Gets the notification recipients on the Bcc line of the notification. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property CcRecipients  Gets the notification recipients on the Cc line of the notification. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property Configuration Gets or sets the configuration settings for the alert notification subscription.
public property Description  Gets or sets the description of the notification subscription. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property DisplayName  Gets or sets the display name of the notification subscription. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property Enabled  Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the notification subscription is enabled. A disabled notification subscription does not deliver notifications. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property Id  (inherited from CreatableMonitoringBaseWithId)
public property ManagementGroup  The connection management group connection used by this object. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property ManagementGroupId  (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public property Name  Gets or sets the name of the notification subscription. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)
public property ToRecipients  Gets the notification recipients on the To line of the notification. (inherited from NotificationSubscription)