How to Create a Knowledge Article

Updated: January 31, 2012

Applies To: System Center 2012 - Operations Manager

A knowledge article contains custom information aimed at helping a user of the Operations Manager Operations Console or the Web Console. Knowledge articles are added to a management pack or an element of a management pack, such as a monitor, a discovery object, or a rule, by using the ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle class. The knowledge article is written in HTML, and it can contain specific information about the element or management pack that it is associated with.

The following code example creates a knowledge article for a rule:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;
using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace SDKSamples
	class Program
		static void Main(string[] args)
			ManagementGroup mg = new ManagementGroup("localhost");
			ManagementPack defaultMP = mg.ManagementPacks.GetManagementPacks(new ManagementPackCriteria("ID='Microsoft.SystemCenter.OperationsManager.DefaultUser'"))[0];

			ManagementPackRuleCriteria ruleCriteria = new ManagementPackRuleCriteria("DisplayName = 'SQL User Connections'");

			ManagementPackRule rule = null;
				rule = mg.Monitoring.GetRules(ruleCriteria)[0];
			catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
				Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not retrieve the specified rule.");
			ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle article = 
				new ManagementPackKnowledgeArticle(rule, "ENU", defaultMP);
			article.HtmlContent = 
				"<html><body>This is a placeholder for a knowledge article</body></html>";


See Also