PartitioningAndGroomingSettings Fields

Updated: April 16, 2012

  Name Description
public fieldstatic AlertDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep alert data.
public fieldstatic AvailabilityHistoryDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep availability history data.
public fieldstatic EventDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep event data.
public fieldstatic JobStatusDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep job status data.
public fieldstatic MaintenanceModeHistoryDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep maintenance mode history data.
public fieldstatic MonitoringJobDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep monitoring job data.
public fieldstatic PerformanceDataDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep performance data.
public fieldstatic PerformanceSignatureDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep performance signature data.
public fieldstatic StateChangeEventDaysToKeep Defines the number of days to keep state change event data.