ITaskRuntimeManagement.BeginExecuteTask Method (ICollection, Guid, TaskConfiguration, AsyncCallback, Object)

Updated: April 16, 2012

Begins the execution of a task. Namespace: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Runtime
Assembly: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Runtime (in Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Runtime.dll)Dim instance As ITaskRuntimeManagement Dim targetIds As ICollection(Of Guid) Dim taskId As Guid Dim configuration As TaskConfiguration Dim callback As AsyncCallback Dim state As Object Dim returnValue As IAsyncResult returnValue = instance.BeginExecuteTask(targetIds, taskId, configuration, callback, state)Function BeginExecuteTask ( _ targetIds As ICollection(Of Guid), _ taskId As Guid, _ configuration As TaskConfiguration, _ callback As AsyncCallback, _ state As Object _ ) As IAsyncResultIAsyncResult BeginExecuteTask ( ICollection<Guid> targetIds, Guid taskId, TaskConfiguration configuration, AsyncCallback callback, Object state )IAsyncResult^ BeginExecuteTask ( ICollection<Guid>^ targetIds, Guid taskId, TaskConfiguration^ configuration, AsyncCallback^ callback, Object^ state )IAsyncResult BeginExecuteTask ( ICollection<Guid> targetIds, Guid taskId, TaskConfiguration configuration, AsyncCallback callback, Object state )function BeginExecuteTask ( targetIds : ICollection<Guid>, taskId : Guid, configuration : TaskConfiguration, callback : AsyncCallback, state : Object ) : IAsyncResultParameterstargetIdsThe entities to target.taskIdThe task to submit.configurationThe configuration of the task.callbackThe callback to get notified on when the task completes.stateThe optional state to pass back to the callback.Return ValueReturns IAsyncResult. The result of the task execution.
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

Development Platforms

Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and

Target Platforms