MonitoringConnector Members

Updated: April 16, 2012

Retrieves and updates alerts and inserts discovery data.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MonitoringConnector type.

(see also Protected Methods)
  Name Description
public method AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts Overloaded. The monitoring connector acknowledges that it has successfully received monitoring alerts from the Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework.
public method AcknowledgeMonitoringAlertsForTiers Overloaded. The monitoring connector acknowledges that it has successfully received monitoring alerts from the Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework, for all tiered Management Groups.
public method Equals  Overridden. (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  Overridden. (inherited from Object)
public method GetMonitoringAlerts Overloaded. Gets alerts marked for the monitoring connector.
public method GetMonitoringAlertsForTiers Overloaded. Gets alerts marked for the monitoring connector from the current Management Group as well as from any additional tiers that are configured for this connector.
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method Initialize Overloaded. Initializes the monitoring connector that is required to get alerts by calling GetMonitoringAlerts.
public method InitializeForTiers Overloaded. Initializes the monitoring connector that is required to get alerts by calling GetMonitoringAlertsForTiers for all tiered Management Groups.
public method Reconnect Overridden. Reconnects the MonitoringConnector object to the management server.
public method ToString  Overridden. (inherited from Object)
public method Uninitialize Uninitializes the monitoring connector, which will prohibit getting any alerts when GetMonitoringAlerts is called.
public method UninitializeForTiers Uninitializes the monitoring connector for all tiered Management Groups, which will prohibit getting any alerts when GetMonitoringAlertsForTiers is called. The failures that occurred for configured tiers are returned.
  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method SetId  (inherited from MonitoringBaseWithId)