
You can use Mobile Device Manager (MDM) Shell to collect inventory data from managed Windows Mobile devices at intervals.

By default, the MDM system enables several regular inventory collection tasks. To view the list of currently active inventory collection tasks, at the MDM Shell prompt, type Get-MDMInventoryItem. This list displays the information on the device such as the task name, collection frequency, category, type, and the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

By using the New-MDMInventoryItemcmdlet, you can add more inventory collection tasks that run at set intervals to retrieve information from managed devices. The Get-MDMInventoryItem, Set-MDMInventoryItem, and Remove-MDMInventoryItemcmdlets let you manage the list of inventory collection tasks.

After the inventory data is collected, you can retrieve the data for specific managed devices by using the Get-MDMDeviceInventorycmdlet, and you can retrieve the transaction information for a device by using the Get-MDMDeviceHistorycmdlet.

For more information about these cmdlets, see Device Inventory Cmdlets.