
The Set-MDMInventoryItemcmdlet sets the collection frequency for a device inventory collection item.


Set-MDMInventoryItem [-Identity] <string>
-CollectionFrequency <CollectionFrequency> [-confirm]
[-whatif] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-MDMInventoryItem [-Item] <MDMInventoryItem>
-CollectionFrequency <CollectionFrequency> [-confirm]
[-whatif] [<CommonParameters>]


The following describes the Set-MDMInventoryItemcmdlet parameters.

Identity <String>

The name of an existing device inventory collection element. If the value contains a space or other special characters, enclose the string in quotation marks.

Item <MDMInventoryItem>

Accepts an MDMInventoryItemobject as input.

CollectionFrequency <CollectionFrequency>

The name of one of the supported collection frequencies. Valid frequencies are NotCollected, EveryConnect, Daily, EveryOtherDay, Weekly, EveryOtherWeek, Monthly, EveryOtherMonth, Quarterly, Semiannually, Annually, and InitialDiscovery.


Informs you of what changes would be made if the action were to be performed (the cmdlet is not executed).


Prompts you for confirmation before the cmdlet executes.


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, and -OutVariable. For more information, at the MDM Shell prompt, type get-help about_commonparameters.

Input Type

The Set-MDMInventoryItemcmdlet accepts through the pipeline an MDMInventoryItemobject. To see all the properties for this object, at the MDM Shell prompt, type Get-MDMInventoryItem | Get-Member.

Output Type



This Set-MDMInventoryItemcommand example sets the collection frequency of the device inventory collection item, TotalRam, to the frequency, EveryConnect.

Copy Code
C:\PS>Set-MDMInventoryItem -Identity "TotalRam"
-CollectionFrequency "EveryConnect"

Cmdlet Help

To view this information online, at the MDM Shell prompt, type:

get-help Set-MDMInventoryItem -detailed, or get-help Set-MDMInventoryItem -full

See Also