Previous versions of SCM included two baseline categories: Specialized Security – Limited Functionality (SSLF) and Enterprise Client (EC). These baseline categories have been combined there are no longer separate baseline categories for the SSLF and EC scenarios in the SCM tool.

This change reduces the number of baselines you need to sort through and review to simplify working with the baselines in SCM. However, we realize that some people who use baselines previously published by Microsoft appreciated how the EC and SSLF distinctions helped them to identify the most important security settings of interest to them. To continue to provide and facilitate that type of analysis, each setting in SCM now has a severity level.

For more information about how EC and SSLF baseline settings equate to severity setting levels in new product baselines from Microsoft, see the section, "What Happened to the Specialized Security – Limited Functionality Environment?" in any of the security guides that accompany Microsoft product baselines in SCM. You can access this information in the Baselines Library pane, under Microsoft Baselines, in the Attachments / Guides section of any product baseline.