Use the Delete feature to delete a baseline or all of a product's baselines.

To delete a baseline

  1. In the Baselines Library pane, select the baseline, and then choose one of the following options:
    • In the Action pane, click Delete.
    • Press Ctrl+Delete.
    • Press Delete.
  2. On the Are you sure that you want to delete the baseline <baseline name>? confirmation message, click Yes to delete the baseline, or click No to cancel the action.

To delete an entire product's baselines

  1. In the Baselines Library pane, expand the product's baselines that you want to delete, select a baseline of the product, and then press Shift+Delete to receive the following message prompt:

    Description: C:\Users\johnc\Documents\Baselines 2.0\SCM 2.0 Help\SCM 2 Help development files\Screen shots\Delete_entire_baseline_prompt.jpg

  2. On the confirmation message, click Yes to delete the entire product's baselines.

SCM deletes all of the baselines for the product and returns you to the Welcome page of the tool.