The Compare / Merge baselines feature has been enhanced to provide you with fast comparison results that you can save in a Microsoft Excel workbook. For more information about how to use this feature, see the "Compare with Microsoft recommendations" in the "Customize knowledge" section of the Help.

Important   When comparing product baselines from Microsoft in SCM, it is important to note that baselines released before SCM have retained EC and SSLF in their baseline names, and that the configuration values for settings in these baselines remain based on recommendations from Microsoft for settings in these categories. New product baseline releases from Microsoft recommend configuration values based on severity.
For more information about how EC and SSLF baseline settings equate to severity setting levels in new product baselines from Microsoft, see the section, "What Happened to the Specialized Security – Limited Functionality Environment?" in any of the security guides that accompany Microsoft product baselines in SCM. You can access this information in the Baselines Library pane, under Microsoft Baselines, in the Attachments / Guides section of any product baseline.