Use this action dialog to specify information about the SharePoint (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) farm: the number of users, the percentage of users who are readers and writers, and the deployment scenario of the main farm.

The following elements appear on the New SharePoint (MOSS) Farm action dialog of the MOSS Model Wizard.

General Settings

SharePoint (MOSS) Farm Name

Specify the name of the farm in the space provided.
Local Client Count

Specify the client count (number of users) that you anticipate for the SharePoint (MOSS) farm. The maximum allowed by the Model Wizard is 100,000 users. Capacity Planner assumes that 10 percent of the users are active at any one time.
SharePoint Deployment

Identify whether your SharePoint deployment is for Internet use or for intranet use. Select one of the following options:
  • Internet. If your deployment is for Internet use, the factors that will influence your topology include the types of users and whether your deployment includes hosting technology.

  • Intranet. If your deployment is for intranet use, the main factor that will influence your topology is the size of your organization.

Your SharePoint deployment must support either Internet use or intranet use; for modeling purposes, you cannot support both types of use with a single deployment.

Client Profiles

Use this section to configure the client profiles of the users you specified in Local Client Count.

If your SharePoint Deployment setting is Internet, configure the following options:

(Internet) Anonymous Users

In the % column, set the percentage of your users who access your SharePoint farm anonymously.In the Usage Profile column, select a usage profile for these users.
(Internet) Authenticated Users

In the % column, set the percentage of your users who access your SharePoint farm by authenticating.In the Usage Profile column, select a usage profile for these users.
Show Counts / Show Percentages

Click to toggle between percentages and actual numbers.

If your SharePoint Deployment setting is Intranet, configure the following options:

(Intranet) Authenticated Users

In the Usage Profile column, select a usage profile for these users.
Show Counts / Show Percentages

Click to toggle between percentages and actual numbers.

For more information about client profiles and client types, see Client Types - MOSS.

For more information about usage profiles, see Usage Profiles - MOSS.

Using Multiple Client Profiles

When you create your SharePoint farm, you can define one or (for Internet deployments) two client profiles. You may need more client profiles than this in order to accurately model the types of users in your organization. After you finish defining your initial topology using the MOSS Model Wizard, you can use the MOSS Model Editor to create the additional client profiles you may need.

For example, you may have a large number of authenticated users who will use the SharePoint services for collaboration, but some of those users may only need to read documents, while a few editors may need to upload new versions of documents. To model this behavior, you might initially define a client profile for authenticated users that includes the Light (Read) Collaboration usage profile. After you have finished the MOSS Model Wizard, you would use the MOSS Model Editor to create an additional client profile for the editors. This client profile would use the Heavy Collaboration usage profile.

For information about how to create additional client profiles, see Add or Edit a Client Profile - MOSS.

See Also