Use the Hardware Editor Device Configurations page to create, copy, modify, and delete hardware device configurations in the hardware library.

Device configuration icons indicate whether and how you can manipulate a configuration.

You can take any action on a configuration without an icon.

The following elements appear on the Device configurations page.

View: CPU

Displays all CPU devices in the hardware library and the properties of the selected device.
View: Single Disk

Displays all disk devices in the hardware library and the properties of the selected device.
View: Disk Array

Displays all disk arrays in the hardware library and the properties of the selected device.
New Device

Creates a new hardware profile for the selected view.
Copy device

Copies the selected device to the hardware library.
Properties of the device

Displays the properties of the hardware device. Properties displayed vary depending on the currently selected device.
Add Disk

When the Disk Array view item is selected, enables the Add Disk option so you can add disk devices to the disk array. You can add multiple disk groups. Each disk group can contain multiple disks, as indicated in the Disk Count column.

See Also