On the Results Summary page, you view a utilization summary of all hardware resources and transaction latency in the capacity model. All results on this page are average values. You also use this page to open other result pages by clicking utilization results or transactions.

A list of common questions linking to corresponding Help topics appears on this page. These Help topics can help you interpret simulation results and determine where over-utilization, under-underutilization, and bottlenecks occur.

If you think you might have resources that are under-utilized or over-utilized or if you think transactions have unacceptably high latency, see Over-Utilized Resources and High-Latency Transactions.

The following elements appear on the Results Summary page.

Bottleneck analysis

A bar graph displaying the highest percentage of utilization, per device or connection. You can pause the mouse on a bar to view the device or connection name.Each bar is colored according to the percentage of utilization:
  • Red indicates that the percentage of utilization is above the utilization threshold.

  • Yellow indicates that the percentage of utilization is within 5 percent of the utilization threshold.

  • Green indicates that the percentage of utilization is less than 5 percent of the utilization threshold.

Highest storage space utilization

A bar graph displaying the highest space utilization, per storage device. You can mouse-hover over a bar to view the server and disk volume name.The color of each bar corresponds to the percentage of space utilization as follows:
  • Red indicates that the space utilization is above the utilization threshold.

  • Yellow indicates that the space utilization is within 5 percent of the utilization threshold.

Green indicates that the space utilization is less than 5 percent of the utilization threshold.
Common Questions

Consists of links to corresponding Help topics. Click a link to open the Help topic.
Threshold indicator icon

General health of the hardware resource, indicating whether the threshold of the resource is at one of the following levels:
  • Above the device utilization threshold, indicated by a red X icon.

  • Within 5 percent of the device utilization threshold, indicated by a yellow exclamation point icon.

  • Less than 5 percent of the device utilization threshold, indicated by a green checkmark icon.

Longest transactions (sec)

Lists the transactions that have the highest latency. You can click a list item to view the Latency by site page to view the latency of all transactions.
Highest CPU utilization

Lists CPUs with the highest percentage of utilization. You can click a list item to navigate to the Utilization of CPU page to view the utilization of all CPUs.
Highest storage I/O utilization

Lists disk volumes with the highest percentage of utilization. You can click a list item to navigate to the Utilization of storage I/O page to view the utilization of all disk volumes.
Highest connectivity utilization

Lists the external network connections with the highest percentage of utilization. You can click a list item to navigate to the corresponding utilization of connection page to view the connection's utilization.

See Also