Public Properties (see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
public property AccessibilityObject  (inherited from Control )
public property AccessibleDefaultActionDescription  (inherited from Control )
public property AccessibleDescription  (inherited from Control )
public property AccessibleName  (inherited from Control )
public property AccessibleRole  (inherited from Control )
public property ActiveControl  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public property AllowDrop  (inherited from Control )
public property Anchor  (inherited from Control )
public property Applied Gets a value that indicates whether changes have been applied to the page.
public property AutoScaleDimensions  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public property AutoScaleMode  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public property AutoScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property AutoScrollMargin  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property AutoScrollMinSize  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property AutoScrollOffset  (inherited from Control )
public property AutoScrollPosition  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property AutoSize  (inherited from UserControl )
public property AutoSizeMode  (inherited from UserControl )
public property AutoValidate  (inherited from UserControl )
public property BackColor  (inherited from Control )
public property BackgroundImage  (inherited from Control )
public property BackgroundImageLayout  (inherited from Control )
public property BindingContext  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public property BorderStyle  (inherited from UserControl )
public property Bottom  (inherited from Control )
public property Bounds  (inherited from Control )
public property CanFocus  (inherited from Control )
public property CanSelect  (inherited from Control )
public property Capture  (inherited from Control )
public property CausesValidation  (inherited from Control )
public property static CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls  (inherited from Control )
public property ClientRectangle  (inherited from Control )
public property ClientSize  (inherited from Control )
public property CompanyName  (inherited from Control )
public property Container  (inherited from Component )
public property ContainsFocus  (inherited from Control )
public property ContextMenu  (inherited from Control )
public property ContextMenuStrip  (inherited from Control )
public property Controls  (inherited from Control )
public property Created  (inherited from Control )
public property CurrentAutoScaleDimensions  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public property Cursor  (inherited from Control )
public property DataBindings  (inherited from Control )
public property static DefaultBackColor  (inherited from Control )
public property static DefaultFont  (inherited from Control )
public property static DefaultForeColor  (inherited from Control )
public property DisplayName Gets the display name of the page control.
public property DisplayRectangle  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property Disposing  (inherited from Control )
public property Dock  (inherited from Control )
public property DockPadding  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property Enabled  (inherited from Control )
public property Focused  (inherited from Control )
public property Font  (inherited from Control )
public property ForceRefresh Gets a value that indicates whether the parent should be refreshed after management object properties are changed.
public property ForeColor  (inherited from Control )
public property Handle  (inherited from Control )
public property HasChildren  (inherited from Control )
public property Headline Gets or sets the headline to display for the page. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public property Height  (inherited from Control )
public property HelpId Sets the identifier for the Help topic for the page.
public property HorizontalScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property ImeMode  (inherited from Control )
public property Initialized Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page control has been initialized.
public property InvokeRequired  (inherited from Control )
public property IsAccessible  (inherited from Control )
public property IsDisposed  (inherited from Control )
public property IsHandleCreated  (inherited from Control )
public property IsMirrored  (inherited from Control )
public property IsPageReadOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page control is read-only.
public property IsPageSetToReadOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page is read-only by default.
public property IsPageXmlDefinedReadOnly Gets a value that indicates whether the page is defined as read-only in XML.
public property LayoutEngine  (inherited from Control )
public property Left  (inherited from Control )
public property Location  (inherited from Control )
public property Margin  (inherited from Control )
public property MaximumSize  (inherited from Control )
public property MinimumSize  (inherited from Control )
public property static ModifierKeys  (inherited from Control )
public property static MouseButtons  (inherited from Control )
public property static MousePosition  (inherited from Control )
public property Name  (inherited from Control )
public property NeedCancelToClose Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the application should implement a Cancel button to close the page control.
public property Padding  (inherited from Control )
public property Parent  (inherited from Control )
public property ParentForm  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public property ParentResultObject Gets the IResultObject interface to get or set parent control properties.
public property PreferredSize  (inherited from Control )
public property ProductName  (inherited from Control )
public property ProductVersion  (inherited from Control )
public property PropertyManager Gets the IResultObject interface to get or set result object properties.
public property RecreatingHandle  (inherited from Control )
public property Region  (inherited from Control )
public property ResetItemCheckState Sets a value that indicates the item check state for list view and checked list box items.
public property Right  (inherited from Control )
public property RightToLeft  (inherited from Control )
public property Site  (inherited from Control )
public property Size  (inherited from Control )
public property TabIndex  (inherited from Control )
public property TabStop  (inherited from Control )
public property Tag  (inherited from Control )
public property Text  (inherited from UserControl )
public property Title Gets or sets the title to display on the page.
public property Top  (inherited from Control )
public property TopLevelControl  (inherited from Control )
public property UserData Gets the user data objects that are shared by pages on the host.
public property UseWaitCursor  (inherited from Control )
public property VerticalScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public property Visible  (inherited from Control )
public property Width  (inherited from Control )
public property WindowTarget  (inherited from Control )

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property AutoScaleFactor  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected property CanRaiseEvents  (inherited from Control )
protected property ConnectionManager Gets the connection manager for the page control.
protected property ControlsValidator Gets or sets the validator for the controls on the page. This property supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected property CreateParams  (inherited from UserControl )
protected property DefaultCursor  (inherited from Control )
protected property DefaultImeMode  (inherited from Control )
protected property DefaultMargin  (inherited from Control )
protected property DefaultMaximumSize  (inherited from Control )
protected property DefaultMinimumSize Overridden. Gets the minimum size of the page control that is used when the object is created.
protected property DefaultPadding  (inherited from Control )
protected property DefaultSize  (inherited from UserControl )
protected property DesignMode  (inherited from Component )
protected property DoubleBuffered  (inherited from Control )
protected property Events  (inherited from Component )
protected property FontHeight  (inherited from Control )
protected property HelpTopic Gets or sets the Help topic for the current page.
protected property HScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected property IsNewObject Gets a value that indicates whether the page control is for a new management object.
protected property NamedValueDictionary Gets the global named value dictionary.
protected property ParentControl Gets the parent control for the page control.
protected property QueryProcessor Gets the query processor from the connection manager.
protected property RenderRightToLeft  Obsolete. (inherited from Control )
protected property ResizeRedraw  (inherited from Control )
protected property ScaleChildren  (inherited from Control )
protected property ShowFocusCues  (inherited from Control )
protected property ShowKeyboardCues  (inherited from Control )
protected property SmsFormType Gets the form type of the form that is hosting the page control.
protected property UpdateCallback Gets the data update delegate for the page control.
protected property VScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl )

See Also

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