Name |
Description |
AccessibilityObject |
(inherited from Control ) |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription |
(inherited from Control ) |
AccessibleDescription |
(inherited from Control ) |
AccessibleName |
(inherited from Control ) |
AccessibleRole |
(inherited from Control ) |
ActiveControl |
(inherited from ContainerControl ) |
AllowDrop |
(inherited from Control ) |
Anchor |
(inherited from Control ) |
Applied |
Gets a value that indicates whether changes have been applied
to the page. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
AutoScaleDimensions |
(inherited from ContainerControl ) |
AutoScaleMode |
(inherited from ContainerControl ) |
AutoScroll |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
AutoScrollMargin |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
AutoScrollMinSize |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
AutoScrollOffset |
(inherited from Control ) |
AutoScrollPosition |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
AutoSize |
(inherited from UserControl ) |
AutoSizeMode |
(inherited from UserControl ) |
AutoValidate |
(inherited from UserControl ) |
BackColor |
(inherited from Control ) |
BackgroundImage |
(inherited from Control ) |
BackgroundImageLayout |
(inherited from Control ) |
BindingContext |
(inherited from ContainerControl ) |
BorderStyle |
(inherited from UserControl ) |
Bottom |
(inherited from Control ) |
Bounds |
(inherited from Control ) |
CanFocus |
(inherited from Control ) |
CanSelect |
(inherited from Control ) |
Capture |
(inherited from Control ) |
CausesValidation |
(inherited from Control ) |
CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls |
(inherited from Control ) |
ClientRectangle |
(inherited from Control ) |
ClientSize |
(inherited from Control ) |
CompanyName |
(inherited from Control ) |
Container |
(inherited from Component ) |
ContainsFocus |
(inherited from Control ) |
ContextMenu |
(inherited from Control ) |
ContextMenuStrip |
(inherited from Control ) |
Controls |
(inherited from Control ) |
Created |
(inherited from Control ) |
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions |
(inherited from ContainerControl ) |
Cursor |
(inherited from Control ) |
DataBindings |
(inherited from Control ) |
DefaultBackColor |
(inherited from Control ) |
DefaultFont |
(inherited from Control ) |
DefaultForeColor |
(inherited from Control ) |
DisplayName |
Gets the display name of the page control. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
DisplayRectangle |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
Disposing |
(inherited from Control ) |
Dock |
(inherited from Control ) |
DockPadding |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
Enabled |
(inherited from Control ) |
Focused |
(inherited from Control ) |
Font |
(inherited from Control ) |
ForceRefresh |
Gets a value that indicates whether the parent should be
refreshed after management object properties are changed.
(inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
ForeColor |
(inherited from Control ) |
Handle |
(inherited from Control ) |
HasChildren |
(inherited from Control ) |
Headline |
Gets or sets the headline to display for the page. This method
supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not
intended to be used directly from your code. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
Height |
(inherited from Control ) |
HelpId |
Sets the identifier for the Help topic for the page. (inherited
SmsPageControl ) |
HorizontalScroll |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
ImeMode |
(inherited from Control ) |
Initialized |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page control
has been initialized. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
InvokeRequired |
(inherited from Control ) |
IsAccessible |
(inherited from Control ) |
IsDisposed |
(inherited from Control ) |
IsHandleCreated |
(inherited from Control ) |
IsMirrored |
(inherited from Control ) |
IsPageReadOnly |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page control is
read-only. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
IsPageSetToReadOnly |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the page is
read-only by default. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
IsPageXmlDefinedReadOnly |
Gets a value that indicates whether the page is defined as
read-only in XML. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
LayoutEngine |
(inherited from Control ) |
Left |
(inherited from Control ) |
Location |
(inherited from Control ) |
Margin |
(inherited from Control ) |
MaximumSize |
(inherited from Control ) |
MinimumSize |
(inherited from Control ) |
ModifierKeys |
(inherited from Control ) |
MouseButtons |
(inherited from Control ) |
MousePosition |
(inherited from Control ) |
Name |
(inherited from Control ) |
NeedCancelToClose |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the application
should implement a Cancel button to close the page
control. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
Padding |
(inherited from Control ) |
Parent |
(inherited from Control ) |
ParentForm |
(inherited from ContainerControl ) |
ParentResultObject |
Gets the IResultObject interface to get or set parent control
properties. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
PreferredSize |
(inherited from Control ) |
ProductName |
(inherited from Control ) |
ProductVersion |
(inherited from Control ) |
PropertyManager |
Gets the IResultObject interface to get or set
result object properties. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
RecreatingHandle |
(inherited from Control ) |
Region |
(inherited from Control ) |
ResetItemCheckState |
Sets a value that indicates the item check state for list view
and checked list box items. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
Right |
(inherited from Control ) |
RightToLeft |
(inherited from Control ) |
Site |
(inherited from Control ) |
Size |
(inherited from Control ) |
TabIndex |
(inherited from Control ) |
TabStop |
(inherited from Control ) |
Tag |
(inherited from Control ) |
Text |
(inherited from UserControl ) |
Title |
Gets or sets the title to display on the page. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
Top |
(inherited from Control ) |
TopLevelControl |
(inherited from Control ) |
UserData |
Gets the user data objects that are shared by pages on the
host. (inherited from
SmsPageControl ) |
UseWaitCursor |
(inherited from Control ) |
VerticalScroll |
(inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
Visible |
(inherited from Control ) |
Width |
(inherited from Control ) |
WindowTarget |
(inherited from Control ) |