Public Properties (see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
public property ActionsPaneHelpItems  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property ActionsPaneItems  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property ActiveFolderDescription  Gets the active folder description for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property Children  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property ConsoleNodeDescription  Gets or sets the root node description for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property DefaultDragAndDropVerb  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property DisplayName  (inherited from Node )
public property EnabledStandardVerbs  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property HelpTopic  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property ImageIndex  (inherited from Node )
public property Item  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property LanguageIndependentName  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property NodeType  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property ObjectsReadyForDisposal  Gets the result object base items that are ready for disposal. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public property Parent  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property QueryErrorIsDisplayed  Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the console parent node displays query errors. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property ResultObject  Gets or sets the result object base that is used to create the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property ResultObjects  Gets the collection of result object base items that the console parent node is hosting. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property ResultQueryDictionary  Gets a dictionary that contains a map between all query identifiers in the results pane and the corresponding query descriptions. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property ResultsQueryList  Gets the results query list. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property RootClass  Gets the name of the root class for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property RootConnectionNode  Gets or sets the site connection node that owns the connection for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property ScopeQueryDictionary  Gets a dictionary that contains a map between all query identifiers in the scope pane and the corresponding query descriptions. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property ScopeQueryList  Gets a list of completed queries for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property SecurityVerbs  Gets or sets the security verbs for the selected console parent node item. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property SelectedImageIndex  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property SharedData  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public property SmsNodeDescription  Gets or sets the active node description. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property SmsNodeDescriptions  Gets a list of active node description items. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property SnapIn  (inherited from Node )
public property StandardActionsDictionary  Gets the standard actions dictionary for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public property StructureDeserialized  Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the XML for the children of the console parent node has been loaded and deserialized. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public property SubItemDisplayNames  (inherited from Node )
public property Tag  (inherited from Node )
public property ViewDescriptions  (inherited from ScopeNode )

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property ConsoleRootObject  Gets or sets the console root description for the console snap-in, which has no directly associated objects or query results. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected property Id  (inherited from Node )
protected property ProgressCounter  Gets or sets the progress counter value. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected property ProgressStatusManager  Gets or sets the progress status manager. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected property ProgressTimerString  Gets or sets the progress timer string. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected property StructureCreated  Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the console parent node structure has been created. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )

See Also

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