Public Methods (see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method BeginInvoke  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method BringToFront  (inherited from Control )
public method CanCancelChanges Determines whether user changes to the page can be reverted.
public method CanKillActive Determines whether the page control can be deactivated.
public method CanSkip Determines whether the page can be skipped if it is not visited. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method Contains  (inherited from Control )
public method CreateControl  (inherited from Control )
public method CreateGraphics  (inherited from Control )
public method CreateObjRef  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
public method Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl )
public method DoApply Synchronizes all changes to the page control that are made when the user clicks Apply.
public method DoDragDrop  (inherited from Control )
public method DoOK Synchronizes all changes to the page control that are made when the user clicks OK.
public method DrawToBitmap  (inherited from Control )
public method EndInvoke  (inherited from Control )
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
public method FindForm  (inherited from Control )
public method Focus  (inherited from Control )
public method static FromChildHandle  (inherited from Control )
public method static FromHandle  (inherited from Control )
public method GetChildAtPoint  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method GetContainerControl  (inherited from Control )
public method GetErrorString Gets the current error message for the page.
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
public method GetLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
public method GetNextControl  (inherited from Control )
public method GetPreferredSize  (inherited from Control )
public method GetType  (inherited from Object )
public method Hide  (inherited from Control )
public method InitializeLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
public method InitializePageControl Initializes the page control when it is created.
public method Invalidate  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method Invoke  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method static IsKeyLocked  (inherited from Control )
public method static IsMnemonic  (inherited from Control )
public method MakeControlsReadOnly Sets all controls on the page to be read-only.
public method OnActivated Handles a notification that the page control is activated.
public method OnAddSummary Handles a notification that summary items are added to a wizard page. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
public method OnApplyChanges Handles a notification that user changes have been synchronized between the page control and the Microsoft Management Console form. The notification follows a call to ApplyChanges.
public method OnDeactivate Handles a notification that the page is about to be deactivated.
public method OnHandleMultiSelectControls Handles a notification of the use of a multi-select control, and sets all check boxes on the page to three-state mode.
public method OnHasError Handles a notification that any of the controls on the page have an error.
public method PerformAutoScale  (inherited from ContainerControl )
public method PerformLayout  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method PointToClient  (inherited from Control )
public method PointToScreen  (inherited from Control )
public method PostApply Writes to the provider any changes that have been made to the page.
public method PreProcessControlMessage  (inherited from Control )
public method PreProcessMessage  (inherited from Control )
public method RectangleToClient  (inherited from Control )
public method RectangleToScreen  (inherited from Control )
public method static ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
public method Refresh  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetBackColor  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetBindings  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetCursor  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetFont  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetForeColor  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetImeMode  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetRightToLeft  (inherited from Control )
public method ResetText  (inherited from Control )
public method RestoreControls Restores all controls on the page that were set to read-only by calls to MakeControlReadOnly and MakeControlsReadOnly back to their original state.
public method ResumeLayout  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method Scale  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method ScrollControlIntoView  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public method Select  Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl )
public method SelectNextControl  (inherited from Control )
public method SendToBack  (inherited from Control )
public method SetAutoScrollMargin  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
public method SetBounds  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
public method Show  (inherited from Control )
public method SuspendLayout  (inherited from Control )
public method ToString  (inherited from Component )
public method Update  (inherited from Control )
public method Validate  Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl )
public method ValidateChildren  Overloaded. (inherited from UserControl )

Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method AccessibilityNotifyClients  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
protected method AddAction Overloaded. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method AddActionCorrectiveStepMessage Adds a corrective step message to the specified action. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method AddActionDetailMessage Adds a detailed message to the specified action. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method AddActionErrorMessage Adds an error message to the specified action. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method AddActionGroup Adds a new action group with the specified identifier and title. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method AddActionWarningMessage Adds a warning message to the specified action. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method AdjustFormScrollbars  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method ApplyChanges Synchronizes all changes that the user makes to the page control with the Microsoft Management Console form.
protected method BindControlDataAndValidation Binds the property name of the control to the data member of the specified data source.
protected method BindTextDataAndValidation Overloaded.  
protected method ClearActionDetails Clears the details of the specified action. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method CreateAccessibilityInstance  (inherited from Control )
protected method CreateControlsInstance  (inherited from Control )
protected method CreateHandle  (inherited from Control )
protected method DefWndProc  (inherited from Control )
protected method DestroyHandle  (inherited from Control )
protected method Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Component )
protected method GetAccessibilityObjectById  (inherited from Control )
protected method GetAdditionalObject Gets an additional result object for the page control.
protected method GetAutoSizeMode  (inherited from Control )
protected method GetScaledBounds  (inherited from Control )
protected method GetScrollState  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method GetService  (inherited from Component )
protected method GetStyle  (inherited from Control )
protected method GetSummaryItems Gets a list of summary items for the page control. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method GetTopLevel  (inherited from Control )
protected method GetValidationRulesForProperty Gets validation rules for the specified property from the XML for the page.
protected method HasError Determines whether a control on the page has an error.
protected method InitLayout  (inherited from Control )
protected method InvokeGotFocus  (inherited from Control )
protected method InvokeLostFocus  (inherited from Control )
protected method InvokeOnClick  (inherited from Control )
protected method InvokePaint  (inherited from Control )
protected method InvokePaintBackground  (inherited from Control )
protected method IsInputChar  (inherited from Control )
protected method IsInputKey  (inherited from Control )
protected method MakeControlReadOnly Sets a single control on the page to be read-only.
protected method MemberwiseClone  Overloaded. (inherited from MarshalByRefObject )
protected method NotifyInvalidate  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnAutoSizeChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnAutoValidateChanged  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method OnBackColorChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnBackgroundImageChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnBindingContextChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnCausesValidationChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnChangeUICues  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnClick  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnClientSizeChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnContextMenuChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnContextMenuStripChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnControlAdded  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnControlRemoved  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnCreateControl  (inherited from UserControl )
protected method OnCursorChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnDockChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnDoubleClick  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnDragDrop  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnDragEnter  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnDragLeave  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnDragOver  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnEnabledChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnEnter  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnFontChanged  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method OnForeColorChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnGiveFeedback  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnGotFocus  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnHandleCreated  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnHandleDestroyed  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnHelpRequested Overridden. Handles a notification that that Help is requested for the page.
protected method OnImeModeChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnInvalidated  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnKeyDown  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnKeyPress  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnKeyUp  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnLayout  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method OnLeave  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnLoad  (inherited from UserControl )
protected method OnLocationChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnLostFocus  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMarginChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseCaptureChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseClick  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseDoubleClick  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseDown  (inherited from UserControl )
protected method OnMouseEnter  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseHover  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseLeave  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseMove  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseUp  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnMouseWheel  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method OnMove  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnNotifyMessage  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnPaddingChanged  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method OnPaint  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnPaintBackground  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method OnParentBackColorChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentBackgroundImageChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentBindingContextChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentChanged  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method OnParentCursorChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentEnabledChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentFontChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentForeColorChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentRightToLeftChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnParentVisibleChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnPreviewKeyDown  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnPrint  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnQueryContinueDrag  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnRegionChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnResize  (inherited from UserControl )
protected method OnRightToLeftChanged  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method OnScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method OnSizeChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnStyleChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnSystemColorsChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnTabIndexChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnTabStopChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnTextChanged  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnValidated  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnValidating  (inherited from Control )
protected method OnVisibleChanged  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method ProcessCmdKey  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method ProcessDialogChar  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method ProcessDialogKey  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method ProcessKeyEventArgs  (inherited from Control )
protected method ProcessKeyMessage  (inherited from Control )
protected method ProcessKeyPreview  (inherited from Control )
protected method ProcessMnemonic  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method ProcessTabKey  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method RaiseDragEvent  (inherited from Control )
protected method RaiseKeyEvent  (inherited from Control )
protected method RaiseMouseEvent  (inherited from Control )
protected method RaisePaintEvent  (inherited from Control )
protected method RecreateHandle  (inherited from Control )
protected method static ReflectMessage  (inherited from Control )
protected method RemoveAdditionalObject Removes an additional result object from the dictionary, specified by the NamedValueDictionary property.
protected method RemoveAllAdditionalObjects Removes all additional result objects from the dictionary, specified by the NamedValueDictionary property.
protected method RemoveItem Removes the action with the specified identifier from the page. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method ReplaceAction Replaces the specified action with a new action that has the same identifier but a new title and details. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method ResetMouseEventArgs  (inherited from Control )
protected method RtlTranslateAlignment  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
protected method RtlTranslateContent  (inherited from Control )
protected method RtlTranslateHorizontal  (inherited from Control )
protected method RtlTranslateLeftRight  (inherited from Control )
protected method SaveAsDefaultValue Saves the specified value as a default for the XML template. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method ScaleControl  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method ScaleCore  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method ScrollToControl  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method Select  Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method SetAdditionalObject Adds an additional result object to the dictionary, specified by the NamedValueDictionary property.
protected method SetAutoSizeMode  (inherited from Control )
protected method SetBoundsCore  (inherited from Control )
protected method SetClientSizeCore  (inherited from Control )
protected method SetDirtyFlag Sets the dirty flag that activates the Apply button on the property sheet for the page.
protected method SetDisplayRectLocation  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method SetScrollState  (inherited from ScrollableControl )
protected method SetStyle  (inherited from Control )
protected method SetTopLevel  (inherited from Control )
protected method SetVisibleCore  (inherited from Control )
protected method ShowDialog Overloaded.  
protected method ShowMessageBox Overloaded.  
protected method ShowWizard Loads and displays a wizard. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method SizeFromClientSize  (inherited from Control )
protected method UpdateAction Updates the title of the specified action with the indicated identifier. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method UpdateActionStatus Updates the status of the specified action. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method UpdateBounds  Overloaded. (inherited from Control )
protected method UpdateDefaultButton  (inherited from ContainerControl )
protected method UpdateGroup Updates the title of the specified action group with the indicated identifier. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method UpdateStyles  (inherited from Control )
protected method UpdateZOrder  (inherited from Control )
protected method ValidationStateChanged Triggers a validation state changed event in the wizard framework. This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
protected method WndProc  (inherited from UserControl )

Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
System.Windows.Forms.IContainerControl.ActivateControl  (inherited from ContainerControl )
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragDrop  (inherited from Control )
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragEnter  (inherited from Control )
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragLeave  (inherited from Control )
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragOver  (inherited from Control )

See Also

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