Public Methods (see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method Dispose Overloaded.  
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
public method GetAllowedClipboardFormatIdsForPaste  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (inherited from Object )
public method OnFireRefreshViewDescriptionEvent Refreshes the view description and fires a RefreshViewDescriptionEvent.
public method PathFromScope Calculates the path name for a new node that is derived from the scope node.
public method ProcessScopeNodeImagesDescription Processes image details for the scope node.
public method PropertyDataUpdated Manages communication of update information to the correct nodes and corresponding node views. This method uses the PropertyDataUpdated delegate for update communication.
public method PublicOnExpand Publishes information that the scope node is expanded.
public method static ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
public method SetAllowedClipboardFormatIdsForPaste  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public method ShowDialogResource Displays the specified Configuration Manager console dialog box to the user.
public method ShowPropertySheet  Overloaded. (inherited from ScopeNode )
public method ToString  (inherited from Object )

Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Dispose Overloaded.  
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
protected method OnAction Overridden. Handles a notification that an action is triggered for the scope node.
protected method OnAddPropertyPages Overridden. Handles a notification that property pages are added for the scope node.
protected method OnCut Overridden. Handles a notification that a cut operation has been completed.
protected method OnDelete Overridden. Handles a notification that the standard verb Delete is triggered.
protected method OnExpand  (inherited from ScopeNode )
protected method OnExpandFromLoad  (inherited from ScopeNode )
protected method OnFireRefreshAddItemEvent Handles a notification of a refresh add item event.
protected method OnFireRefreshDeleteItemEvent Handles a notification of a refresh delete item event.
protected method OnFireRefreshDisposeItemEvent Handles a notification of a refresh dispose item event.
protected method OnFireRefreshMoveItemEvent Handles a notification of a refresh move item event.
protected method OnFireRefreshUpdateAllEvent Handles a notification of a refresh update all event.
protected method OnFireRefreshUpdateItemEvent Handles a notification of a refresh update item event.
protected method OnFireResultUpdateEvent Updates a result object and fires a ResultUpdateEvent.
protected method OnGetSharedData  (inherited from ScopeNode )
protected method OnPaste Overridden. Handles a notification that data is pasted onto the scope node.
protected method OnPrint Overridden. Handles a notification that the Print standard verb is triggered.
protected method OnRefresh Overridden. Handles a notification that the Refresh standard verb is triggered.
protected method OnRefreshAddItem Handles a notification that items are added to the console, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRefreshDeleteItem Handles a notification that items are removed or deleted, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRefreshDisposeItem Handles a notification that items are no longer needed and can be safely disposed of.
protected method OnRefreshMoveItem Handles a notification that items are moved to another location in the console and should not be disposed of.
protected method OnRefreshUpdateAll Handles a notification that all items are refreshed, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRefreshUpdateItem Handles a notification that items are updated, and updates the display to reflect the current state.
protected method OnRename Overridden. Handles a notification that the Rename standard verb is triggered.
protected method OnSharedDataChangeRequested  (inherited from ScopeNode )
protected method OnSyncAction Overridden. Handles a notification of an action for the Configuration Manager console that runs synchronously with the Microsoft Management Console.
protected method ProcessViewDescription Processes view descriptions for the scope node.
protected method StartProgressTimer Starts the timer that keeps the user interface refreshed by pulsing the progress bar until instructed to stop by a call to StopProgressTimer.
protected method StopProgressTimer Stops the timer that keeps the user interface refreshed by pulsing the progress bar.

See Also

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