Public Methods (see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method static ContainsActiveQueries  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method CreateNodeStructure  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method DeleteResultItems  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
public method GetAllowedClipboardFormatIdsForPaste  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public method static GetFolderIcon  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (inherited from Object )
public method OnFireRefreshViewDescriptionEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public method OnFirstExpand  Handles a notification that the console parent node is expanded for the first time, and loads appropriate child XML information. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method PathFromScope  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public method ProcessScopeNodeImagesDescription  Overloaded. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method PropertyDataUpdated  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public method PublicOnExpand  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method QueueQueryItems  Overloaded. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method static ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
public method RefreshDeleteItemForChildren  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method RefreshResults Overridden. Performs default refresh processing.
public method SetAllowedClipboardFormatIdsForPaste  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public method ShowDialogResource  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
public method ShowPropertySheet  Overloaded. (inherited from ScopeNode )
public method ToString  (inherited from Object )

Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method AddFolderActionsForScopePaneFolders  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method AddResultObject  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method AddResultObjects  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method AddRootActionsForFolders  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method AddRootNodeFolderActions  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method static AddRootNodeSearchFolderActions  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method AttachQueryDelegates  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method AttachRootDelegates  Attaches the root delegates for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method BuildActionsListForNode Overridden. Builds an action list for the scope node.
protected method CanAddQuery  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method CanScopeNodeContainChildren  Determines whether the console parent node can contain child nodes. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method CreateFolderActions  Overloaded. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method DetachQueryDelegates  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method DetachRootDelegates  Detaches the root delegates for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method Dispose  Overloaded. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object )
protected method InitializeInstanceImages Initializes the instance images for the specified result object base.
protected method IsResultPaneQueryPresent  Determines whether a results pane query is present for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
protected method OnAction  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnAddPropertyPages  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnCut  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnDelete  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnExpand  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnExpandFromLoad  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireRefreshAddItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireRefreshDeleteItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireRefreshDisposeItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireRefreshMoveItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireRefreshUpdateAllEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireRefreshUpdateItemEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireResultPaneObjectReadyEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireResultPaneObjectsReadyEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireResultPaneQueryCompletedEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireResultPaneQuerySetupEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireResultPaneRefreshEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireResultUpdateEvent  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnFireScopePaneObjectReadyEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireScopePaneObjectsReadyEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireScopePaneQueryCompletedEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnFireScopePaneQuerySetupEvent  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnGetSharedData  (inherited from ScopeNode )
protected method OnPaste  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnPrint  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnRefresh  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnRefreshAddItem  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnRefreshDeleteItem  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnRefreshDisposeItem  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnRefreshMoveItem  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnRefreshUpdateAll  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method OnRefreshUpdateItem  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnRename  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method OnSharedDataChangeRequested  (inherited from ScopeNode )
protected method OnSyncAction  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method ProcessFolderQuery  Processes queries that needed to support folder functionality in the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method ProcessPriorityQueries  Processes queries, in priority order, that are defined to run for the console parent node. (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method ProcessViewDescription  (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method RefreshActionItems  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method RefreshClipboardActionItems  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method SetClipboardFormats  (inherited from ConsoleParentNode )
protected method StartProgressTimer  Starts the timer that keeps the user interface refreshed by pulsing the progress bar until instructed to stop by a call to StopProgressTimer. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
protected method StopProgressTimer  Stops the timer that keeps the user interface refreshed by pulsing the progress bar. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )

See Also

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