Public Fields

  Name Description
public field Assembly Indicates the name of the XML data assembly.
public field Branches Indicates an array of SmsWizardBranchReference objects if the page is represented in a wizard form.
public field CustomData Indicates custom data that is included in the XML data.
public field FieldData Indicates an array of SmsPageFieldData objects for fields on the page.
public field HelpTopic Indicates the Help topic for the page XML data.
public field Id Indicates the identifier for the page XML data.
public field MultiSelection Indicates true if the page XML data supports multiple selections.
public field Namespace Indicates the namespace that supports the page XML data.
public field ReadOnly Indicates true if the page XML data is read-only.
public field Type Indicates the type of page XML data.
public field UserData Indicates an SmsPageUserData object that represents user data for the page.
public field VendorId Indicates the identifier for the vendor of the page XML data assembly.
public field Visible Indicates true if the page XML data is visible.

See Also

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