Public Events

  Name Description
public event ActionsActivated  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public event ActionsDeactivated  (inherited from ScopeNode )
public event RefreshViewDescriptionEvent  Notifies that the view description is refreshed for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public event ResultPaneObjectReadyEvent Notifies that a single object is available for display in the results pane.
public event ResultPaneObjectsReadyEvent Notifies that multiple objects are available for display in the results pane.
public event ResultPaneQueryCompletedEvent Notifies that a query operation has completed for the results pane.
public event ResultPaneQuerySetupEvent Notifies that the console parent node has set up the results pane for a query.
public event ResultPaneRefreshEvent Notifies that the console parent node has initiated a refresh standard action
public event ResultUpdateEvent  Notifies that a result object has been updated for the scope node. (inherited from ScopeNodeBase )
public event ScopePaneObjectReadyEvent Notifies that a single object is available for display in the scope pane.
public event ScopePaneObjectsReadyEvent Notifies that multiple objects are available for display in the scope pane.
public event ScopePaneQueryCompletedEvent Notifies that a query operation has completed for the scope pane.
public event ScopePaneQuerySetupEvent Notifies that the console parent node has set up the scope pane for a query.

See Also

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