In Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, you delete status messages by calling the SMS_StatusMessage class DeleteByID method and supplying an array of status message RecordID identifiers. Alternatively, you can call the SMS_StatusMessage class DeleteByQuery method and supply a WQL query that identifies the status messages to be deleted.

To delete a status message

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see About the SMS Provider in Configuration Manager.

  2. Call the SMS_StatusMessage class DeleteByID method with an array of record identifiers for the status messages to be deleted.


The following example deletes a single status message identified by the recordId identifier.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Visual Basic Script  Copy Code
Sub DeleteStatusMessage(connection, recordId)

	Dim inParams
	Dim outParams
	Dim statusMessageClass

	On Error Resume Next

	' Obtain the class definition object of a SMS_StatusMessage object.
	Set statusMessageClass = connection.Get("SMS_StatusMessage")

	If Err.Number<>0 Then
		Wscript.Echo "Couldn't get status message class"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	' Set up the in parameter.
	Set inParams = statusMessageClass.Methods_("DeleteByID").InParameters.SpawnInstance_
	inParams.RecordIDs = Array(recordId)
	If Err.Number<>0 Then
		Wscript.Echo "Couldn't get in parameters object"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	' Call the method.
	Set outParams = _
		connection.ExecMethod( "SMS_StatusMessage", "DeleteByID", inParams)
	If Err.Number<>0 Then
		Wscript.Echo "Couldn't run method"
		Exit Sub
	End If

	WScript.Echo CStr(outParams.ReturnValue) + " record(s) deleted"
  End Sub
C#  Copy Code
public void DeleteStatusMessage(WqlConnectionManager connection, int recordId)
		Dictionary<string, object> StatusMessageParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();

		 // Add the parameters.
		StatusMessageParameters.Add("RecordIDs", new int[] { recordId });

		// Call the method.
		IResultObject result = connection.ExecuteMethod("SMS_StatusMessage", "DeleteByID", StatusMessageParameters);

		Console.WriteLine (result["ReturnValue"].IntegerValue + " record(s) deleted");

	catch (SmsException ex)
		Console.WriteLine("Failed to delete error message: ", ex.Message);

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description


  • Managed: WqlConnectionManager

  • VBScript: SWbemServices

A valid connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see About the SMS Provider in Configuration Manager.


  • Managed: Integer

  • VBScript: Integer

The status message identifier. This is SMS_StatusMessage object RecordID property for the status message to be deleted.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see About Securing Configuration Manager Applications.

See Also

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