The SMS_MachineSettings Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that describes attributes that are specific to a single computer that is managed by Configuration Manager.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_MachineSettings
	DateTime LastModificationTime;
	UInt32 LocaleID;
	SMS_MachineVariable MachineVariables[];
	UInt32 ResourceID;
	String SourceSite;


The SMS_MachineSettings class does not define any methods.



Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]The date and time when the machine settings were last modified.

Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneThe ID of the locale used to convert the localized name and description of the computer. The default locale ID is 1033, English (United States).

Data type: SMS_MachineVariable ArrayAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [lazy]The SMS_MachineVariable Server WMI Class objects representing machine variables for the computer resource.

Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Key]The unique resource ID for the computer.

Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [SizeLimit("3"), Not_null]The code of the source site. The code length can be up to three characters. The default value is "".


Class qualifiers for this class include:

  • Secured

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.

Your application can use this class as described in How to Create a Computer Variable in Configuration Manager.


Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also

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