You set the operating system deployment branding information for the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 client by changing the OSDBrandingSubtitle property of the client agent component section in the site control file.

OSDBrandingSubtitle is encoded with BASE64 encoding.

The branding information is displayed by the task sequence when it is run on the client.

To set operating system deployment branding information

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see About the SMS Provider in Configuration Manager .

  2. Get the client agent site control file client component object from SMS_SCI_ClientComp Server WMI Class.

  3. Set the IClientAgentSettings::OSDBrandingSubtitle Property to the value you want.

  4. Commit the changes back to the site control file.


The following example method changes the operating system deployment branding text to the supplied value.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Visual Basic Script  Copy Code
Sub SetOsdBranding(connection, 	_
					context, 	_
					siteCode, 		 _

	' Load the site control file and get the Client Agent section.
	connection.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile.Filetype=1,Sitecode=""" & siteCode & """", "Refresh", , , context
	Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_SCI_ClientComp " & _
			"WHERE ClientComponentName = 'Client Agent' " & _
			"AND SiteCode = '" & siteCode & "'"

	Set SCIComponentSet = connection.ExecQuery(Query, ,wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately, context)
	' Only one instance is returned from the query.
	For Each SCIComponent In SCIComponentSet						

		' Loop through the array of embedded SMS_EmbeddedProperty instances.
		For Each vProperty In SCIComponent.Props
			' Setting: OSDBrandingSubTitle.
			If vProperty.PropertyName = "OSDBrandingSubTitle" Then
				wscript.echo " "
				wscript.echo vProperty.PropertyName
				wscript.echo "Current value " &  vProperty.Value1			 
				' Modify the value.
				vProperty.Value1 = brandingText
				wscript.echo "New value: " & brandingText
			End If

			 ' Update the component in your copy of the site control file. Get the path
			 ' to the updated object, which can be used later to retrieve the instance.
			Set SCICompPath = SCIComponent.Put_(wbemChangeFlagUpdateOnly, context)
	' Commit the change to the actual site control file.
	Set InParams = connection.Get("SMS_SiteControlFile").Methods_("CommitSCF").InParameters.SpawnInstance_
	InParams.SiteCode = siteCode
	connection.ExecMethod "SMS_SiteControlFile", "CommitSCF", InParams, , context

End Sub
C#  Copy Code
public void SetOsdBranding(
	WqlConnectionManager connection, 
	string siteCode, 
	string brandingText)
		// Get the site control file client component section.
		IResultObject clientAgent = connection.GetInstance(@"SMS_SCI_ClientComp.FileType=1,ItemType='Client Component',SiteCode='" + 
			siteCode + "',ItemName='Client Agent'");

		// Update the branding information.
		Dictionary<string, IResultObject> embeddedProperties = clientAgent.EmbeddedProperties;

		embeddedProperties["OSDBrandingSubTitle"]["Value1"].StringValue = brandingText;

		clientAgent.EmbeddedProperties = embeddedProperties;

		// Commit the change back to the site control file.
	catch (SmsException e)
		Console.WriteLine("Failed to set branding text: " + e.Message);

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description


  • Managed: WqlConnectionManager

  • VBScript: SWbemServices

A valid connection to the SMS Provider.

context (VBScript)

  • VBScript: SWbemContext

A valid context qualifier object. For more information, see How to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using WMI


  • Managed: String

  • VBScript: String

The site code for the Configuration Manager 2007 site.


  • Managed: String

  • VBScript: String

The text used to update the branding text.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:










See Also

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