Prompts the user to select a reporting point for reports. This class supports the Configuration Manager 2007 infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
The following tables list the members exposed by the ReportsDialog type.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
ReportsDialog | Initializes a new instance of ReportsDialog. |
Protected Fields
Name | Description | |
ScrollStateAutoScrolling | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
ScrollStateFullDrag | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
ScrollStateHScrollVisible | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
ScrollStateUserHasScrolled | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
ScrollStateVScrollVisible | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
Public Properties (see also Protected Properties )
Name | Description | |
AcceptButton | (inherited from Form ) | |
AccessibilityObject | (inherited from Control ) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | (inherited from Control ) | |
AccessibleDescription | (inherited from Control ) | |
AccessibleName | (inherited from Control ) | |
AccessibleRole | (inherited from Control ) | |
ActiveControl | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
ActiveForm | (inherited from Form ) | |
ActiveMdiChild | (inherited from Form ) | |
AllowDrop | (inherited from Control ) | |
AllowTransparency | (inherited from Form ) | |
Anchor | (inherited from Control ) | |
AutoScale | Obsolete. (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoScaleBaseSize | (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoScaleDimensions | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
AutoScaleMode | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
AutoScroll | (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoScrollMargin | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
AutoScrollMinSize | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
AutoScrollOffset | (inherited from Control ) | |
AutoScrollPosition | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
AutoSize | (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoSizeMode | (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoValidate | (inherited from Form ) | |
BackColor | (inherited from Form ) | |
BackgroundImage | (inherited from Control ) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | (inherited from Control ) | |
BindingContext | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
Bottom | (inherited from Control ) | |
Bounds | (inherited from Control ) | |
CancelButton | (inherited from Form ) | |
CanFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
CanSelect | (inherited from Control ) | |
Capture | (inherited from Control ) | |
CausesValidation | (inherited from Control ) | |
CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls | (inherited from Control ) | |
ClientRectangle | (inherited from Control ) | |
ClientSize | (inherited from Form ) | |
CompanyName | (inherited from Control ) | |
Container | (inherited from Component ) | |
ContainsFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
ContextMenu | (inherited from Control ) | |
ContextMenuStrip | (inherited from Control ) | |
ControlBox | (inherited from Form ) | |
Controls | (inherited from Control ) | |
Created | (inherited from Control ) | |
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
Cursor | (inherited from Control ) | |
DataBindings | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultBackColor | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultFont | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultForeColor | (inherited from Control ) | |
DesktopBounds | (inherited from Form ) | |
DesktopLocation | (inherited from Form ) | |
DialogResult | (inherited from Form ) | |
DisplayRectangle | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Disposing | (inherited from Control ) | |
Dock | (inherited from Control ) | |
DockPadding | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Enabled | (inherited from Control ) | |
Focused | (inherited from Control ) | |
Font | (inherited from Control ) | |
ForeColor | (inherited from Control ) | |
FormBorderStyle | (inherited from Form ) | |
Handle | (inherited from Control ) | |
HasChildren | (inherited from Control ) | |
Height | (inherited from Control ) | |
HelpButton | (inherited from Form ) | |
HorizontalScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Icon | (inherited from Form ) | |
ImeMode | (inherited from Control ) | |
InvokeRequired | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsAccessible | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsDisposed | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsHandleCreated | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsMdiChild | (inherited from Form ) | |
IsMdiContainer | (inherited from Form ) | |
IsMirrored | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsRestrictedWindow | (inherited from Form ) | |
KeyPreview | (inherited from Form ) | |
LayoutEngine | (inherited from Control ) | |
Left | (inherited from Control ) | |
Location | (inherited from Form ) | |
MainMenuStrip | (inherited from Form ) | |
Margin | (inherited from Form ) | |
MaximizeBox | (inherited from Form ) | |
MaximumSize | (inherited from Form ) | |
MdiChildren | (inherited from Form ) | |
MdiParent | (inherited from Form ) | |
Menu | (inherited from Form ) | |
MergedMenu | (inherited from Form ) | |
MinimizeBox | (inherited from Form ) | |
MinimumSize | (inherited from Form ) | |
Modal | (inherited from Form ) | |
ModifierKeys | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseButtons | (inherited from Control ) | |
MousePosition | (inherited from Control ) | |
Name | (inherited from Control ) | |
Opacity | (inherited from Form ) | |
OwnedForms | (inherited from Form ) | |
Owner | (inherited from Form ) | |
Padding | (inherited from Control ) | |
Parent | (inherited from Control ) | |
ParentForm | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
PreferredSize | (inherited from Control ) | |
ProductName | (inherited from Control ) | |
ProductVersion | (inherited from Control ) | |
RecreatingHandle | (inherited from Control ) | |
Region | (inherited from Control ) | |
RestoreBounds | (inherited from Form ) | |
Right | (inherited from Control ) | |
RightToLeft | (inherited from Control ) | |
RightToLeftLayout | (inherited from Form ) | |
ShowForm | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box can be shown after initialization.(inherited from SmsDialogBase) | |
ShowIcon | (inherited from Form ) | |
ShowInTaskbar | (inherited from Form ) | |
Site | (inherited from Control ) | |
Size | (inherited from Form ) | |
SizeGripStyle | (inherited from Form ) | |
SnapIn | Gets or sets the snap-in for the dialog box.(inherited from SmsDialogBase) | |
StartPosition | (inherited from Form ) | |
TabIndex | (inherited from Form ) | |
TabStop | (inherited from Form ) | |
Tag | (inherited from Control ) | |
Text | (inherited from Form ) | |
Top | (inherited from Control ) | |
TopLevel | (inherited from Form ) | |
TopLevelControl | (inherited from Control ) | |
TopMost | (inherited from Form ) | |
TransparencyKey | (inherited from Form ) | |
UseWaitCursor | (inherited from Control ) | |
VerticalScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Visible | (inherited from Control ) | |
Width | (inherited from Control ) | |
WindowState | (inherited from Form ) | |
WindowTarget | (inherited from Control ) |
Protected Properties
Name | Description | |
AutoScaleFactor | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
CanRaiseEvents | (inherited from Control ) | |
CreateParams | (inherited from Form ) | |
DefaultCursor | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultImeMode | (inherited from Form ) | |
DefaultMargin | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultMaximumSize | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultMinimumSize | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultPadding | (inherited from Control ) | |
DefaultSize | (inherited from Form ) | |
DesignMode | (inherited from Component ) | |
DoubleBuffered | (inherited from Control ) | |
Events | (inherited from Component ) | |
FontHeight | (inherited from Control ) | |
HScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
MaximizedBounds | (inherited from Form ) | |
RenderRightToLeft | Obsolete. (inherited from Control ) | |
ResizeRedraw | (inherited from Control ) | |
ScaleChildren | (inherited from Control ) | |
ShowFocusCues | (inherited from Control ) | |
ShowKeyboardCues | (inherited from Control ) | |
ShowWithoutActivation | (inherited from Form ) | |
VScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) |
Public Methods (see also Protected Methods )
Name | Description | |
Activate | (inherited from Form ) | |
AddOwnedForm | (inherited from Form ) | |
BeginInvoke | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
BringToFront | (inherited from Control ) | |
Close | (inherited from Form ) | |
Contains | (inherited from Control ) | |
CreateControl | (inherited from Control ) | |
CreateGraphics | (inherited from Control ) | |
CreateObjRef | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject ) | |
Dispose | Overloaded. | |
DoDragDrop | (inherited from Control ) | |
DrawToBitmap | (inherited from Control ) | |
EndInvoke | (inherited from Control ) | |
Equals | Overloaded. (inherited from Object ) | |
FindForm | (inherited from Control ) | |
Focus | (inherited from Control ) | |
FromChildHandle | (inherited from Control ) | |
FromHandle | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetAutoScaleSize | Obsolete. (inherited from Form ) | |
GetChildAtPoint | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
GetContainerControl | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetHashCode | (inherited from Object ) | |
GetLifetimeService | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject ) | |
GetNextControl | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetPreferredSize | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetType | (inherited from Object ) | |
Hide | (inherited from Control ) | |
InitializeLifetimeService | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject ) | |
Invalidate | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
Invoke | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
IsKeyLocked | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsMnemonic | (inherited from Control ) | |
LayoutMdi | (inherited from Form ) | |
PerformAutoScale | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
PerformLayout | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
PointToClient | (inherited from Control ) | |
PointToScreen | (inherited from Control ) | |
PreProcessControlMessage | (inherited from Control ) | |
PreProcessMessage | (inherited from Control ) | |
RectangleToClient | (inherited from Control ) | |
RectangleToScreen | (inherited from Control ) | |
ReferenceEquals | (inherited from Object ) | |
Refresh | (inherited from Control ) | |
RemoveOwnedForm | (inherited from Form ) | |
ResetBackColor | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetBindings | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetCursor | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetFont | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetForeColor | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetImeMode | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetRightToLeft | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetText | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResumeLayout | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
Scale | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
ScrollControlIntoView | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Select | Overloaded. (inherited from Form ) | |
SelectNextControl | (inherited from Control ) | |
SendToBack | (inherited from Control ) | |
SetAutoScrollMargin | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
SetBounds | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
SetDesktopBounds | (inherited from Form ) | |
SetDesktopLocation | (inherited from Form ) | |
Show | Overloaded. (inherited from Form ) | |
ShowDialog | Overloaded. (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
SuspendLayout | (inherited from Control ) | |
ToString | (inherited from Form ) | |
Update | (inherited from Control ) | |
Validate | Overloaded. (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
ValidateChildren | Overloaded. (inherited from Form ) |
Protected Methods
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityNotifyClients | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
ActivateMdiChild | (inherited from Form ) | |
AdjustFormScrollbars | (inherited from Form ) | |
ApplyAutoScaling | Obsolete. (inherited from Form ) | |
CenterToParent | (inherited from Form ) | |
CenterToScreen | (inherited from Form ) | |
CreateAccessibilityInstance | (inherited from Control ) | |
CreateControlsInstance | (inherited from Form ) | |
CreateHandle | (inherited from Form ) | |
DefWndProc | (inherited from Form ) | |
DestroyHandle | (inherited from Control ) | |
Dispose | Overloaded. Overridden. | |
Finalize | (inherited from Component ) | |
GetAccessibilityObjectById | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetAutoSizeMode | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetHelp | (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
GetScaledBounds | (inherited from Form ) | |
GetScrollState | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
GetService | (inherited from Component ) | |
GetStyle | (inherited from Control ) | |
GetTopLevel | (inherited from Control ) | |
InitLayout | (inherited from Control ) | |
InvokeGotFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
InvokeLostFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
InvokeOnClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
InvokePaint | (inherited from Control ) | |
InvokePaintBackground | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsInputChar | (inherited from Control ) | |
IsInputKey | (inherited from Control ) | |
MemberwiseClone | Overloaded. (inherited from MarshalByRefObject ) | |
NotifyInvalidate | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnActivated | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnAutoSizeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnAutoValidateChanged | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
OnBackColorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnBackgroundImageChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnBindingContextChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnCausesValidationChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnChangeUICues | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnClientSizeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnClosed | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnClosing | (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
OnContextMenuChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnContextMenuStripChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnControlAdded | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnControlRemoved | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnCreateControl | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnCursorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnDeactivate | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnDockChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnDoubleClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnDragDrop | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnDragEnter | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnDragLeave | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnDragOver | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnEnabledChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnEnter | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnFontChanged | (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
OnForeColorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnFormClosed | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnFormClosing | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnGiveFeedback | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnGotFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnHandleCreated | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnHandleDestroyed | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnHelpButtonClicked | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnHelpRequested | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnImeModeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnInputLanguageChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnInputLanguageChanging | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnInvalidated | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnKeyDown | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnKeyPress | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnKeyUp | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnLayout | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnLeave | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnLoad | (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
OnLocationChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnLostFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMarginChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMaximizedBoundsChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnMaximumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnMdiChildActivate | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnMenuComplete | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnMenuStart | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnMinimumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnMouseCaptureChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseDoubleClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseDown | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseEnter | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseHover | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseLeave | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseMove | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseUp | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnMouseWheel | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
OnMove | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnNotifyMessage | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnPaddingChanged | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
OnPaint | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnPaintBackground | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
OnParentBackColorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentBindingContextChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentChanged | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
OnParentCursorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentEnabledChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentFontChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentForeColorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentRightToLeftChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnParentVisibleChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnPreviewKeyDown | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnPrint | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnQueryContinueDrag | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnRegionChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnResize | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnResizeBegin | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnResizeEnd | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnRightToLeftChanged | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
OnShown | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnSizeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnStyleChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnSystemColorsChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnTabIndexChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnTabStopChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnTextChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
OnValidated | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnValidating | (inherited from Control ) | |
OnVisibleChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
ProcessCmdKey | (inherited from Form ) | |
ProcessDialogChar | (inherited from Form ) | |
ProcessDialogKey | (inherited from Form ) | |
ProcessKeyEventArgs | (inherited from Control ) | |
ProcessKeyMessage | (inherited from Control ) | |
ProcessKeyPreview | (inherited from Form ) | |
ProcessMnemonic | (inherited from Form ) | |
ProcessTabKey | (inherited from Form ) | |
RaiseDragEvent | (inherited from Control ) | |
RaiseKeyEvent | (inherited from Control ) | |
RaiseMouseEvent | (inherited from Control ) | |
RaisePaintEvent | (inherited from Control ) | |
RecreateHandle | (inherited from Control ) | |
ReflectMessage | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResetMouseEventArgs | (inherited from Control ) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
RtlTranslateContent | (inherited from Control ) | |
RtlTranslateHorizontal | (inherited from Control ) | |
RtlTranslateLeftRight | (inherited from Control ) | |
ScaleControl | (inherited from Form ) | |
ScaleCore | (inherited from Form ) | |
ScrollToControl | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Select | Overloaded. (inherited from Form ) | |
SetAutoSizeMode | (inherited from Control ) | |
SetBoundsCore | (inherited from Form ) | |
SetClientSizeCore | (inherited from Form ) | |
SetDisplayRectLocation | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
SetScrollState | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
SetStyle | (inherited from Control ) | |
SetTopLevel | (inherited from Control ) | |
SetVisibleCore | (inherited from Form ) | |
ShowDialog | Overloaded. (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
ShowHelp | Launches the HTML .chm Help file window.(inherited from SmsDialogBase) | |
ShowMessageBox | Overloaded. (inherited from SmsDialogBase ) | |
SizeFromClientSize | (inherited from Control ) | |
UpdateBounds | Overloaded. (inherited from Control ) | |
UpdateDefaultButton | (inherited from Form ) | |
UpdateStyles | (inherited from Control ) | |
UpdateZOrder | (inherited from Control ) | |
ValidateDialog | Overridden. Verifies that the information in the dialog box is complete and valid. | |
WndProc | (inherited from Form ) |
Public Events
Name | Description | |
Activated | (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoSizeChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
AutoValidateChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
BackColorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
BackgroundImageChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
BindingContextChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
CausesValidationChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
ChangeUICues | (inherited from Control ) | |
Click | (inherited from Control ) | |
ClientSizeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
Closed | (inherited from Form ) | |
Closing | (inherited from Form ) | |
ContextMenuChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
ContextMenuStripChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
ControlAdded | (inherited from Control ) | |
ControlRemoved | (inherited from Control ) | |
CursorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
Deactivate | (inherited from Form ) | |
Disposed | (inherited from Component ) | |
DockChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
DoubleClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
DragDrop | (inherited from Control ) | |
DragEnter | (inherited from Control ) | |
DragLeave | (inherited from Control ) | |
DragOver | (inherited from Control ) | |
EnabledChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
Enter | (inherited from Control ) | |
FontChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
ForeColorChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
FormClosed | (inherited from Form ) | |
FormClosing | (inherited from Form ) | |
GiveFeedback | (inherited from Control ) | |
GotFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
HandleCreated | (inherited from Control ) | |
HandleDestroyed | (inherited from Control ) | |
HelpButtonClicked | (inherited from Form ) | |
HelpRequested | (inherited from Control ) | |
ImeModeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
InputLanguageChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
InputLanguageChanging | (inherited from Form ) | |
Invalidated | (inherited from Control ) | |
KeyDown | (inherited from Control ) | |
KeyPress | (inherited from Control ) | |
KeyUp | (inherited from Control ) | |
Layout | (inherited from Control ) | |
Leave | (inherited from Control ) | |
Load | (inherited from Form ) | |
LocationChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
LostFocus | (inherited from Control ) | |
MarginChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
MaximizedBoundsChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
MaximumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
MdiChildActivate | (inherited from Form ) | |
MenuComplete | (inherited from Form ) | |
MenuStart | (inherited from Form ) | |
MinimumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
MouseCaptureChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseDoubleClick | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseDown | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseEnter | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseHover | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseLeave | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseMove | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseUp | (inherited from Control ) | |
MouseWheel | (inherited from Control ) | |
Move | (inherited from Control ) | |
PaddingChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
Paint | (inherited from Control ) | |
ParentChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
PreviewKeyDown | (inherited from Control ) | |
QueryAccessibilityHelp | (inherited from Control ) | |
QueryContinueDrag | (inherited from Control ) | |
RegionChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
Resize | (inherited from Control ) | |
ResizeBegin | (inherited from Form ) | |
ResizeEnd | (inherited from Form ) | |
RightToLeftChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
RightToLeftLayoutChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
Scroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl ) | |
Shown | (inherited from Form ) | |
SizeChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
StyleChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
SystemColorsChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
TabIndexChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
TabStopChanged | (inherited from Form ) | |
TextChanged | (inherited from Control ) | |
Validated | (inherited from Control ) | |
Validating | (inherited from Control ) | |
VisibleChanged | (inherited from Control ) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
System.Windows.Forms.IContainerControl.ActivateControl | (inherited from ContainerControl ) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragDrop | (inherited from Control ) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragEnter | (inherited from Control ) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragLeave | (inherited from Control ) | |
System.Windows.Forms.IDropTarget.OnDragOver | (inherited from Control ) |
See Also
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