When you discover system resource data for a client, in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, you must specify the client's unique identifier value in the data discovery record (DDR), such as:

  Copy Code
DDRAddString("SMS Unique Identifier",
			 "GUID:12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", 64,

The client's unique identifier can be found in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) at:

  Copy Code


To identify the client's unique identifier in WMI
  1. Connect to the CCM namespace (root\ccm).

  2. Load the CCM_Client class.

  3. Enumerate through the objects in the CCM_Client class and display the unique identifier (ClientId).



The following example method shows how obtain the client's unique identifier from WMI by connecting to the CCM namespace, loading the CCM_Client class and getting the ClientId property.

The following C# example requires the System.Management namespace.

For information about calling the sample code, see How to Call a Configuration Manager Object Class Method by Using WMI


Visual Basic Script  Copy Code
Sub GetClientUniqueID()

	' Get a connection to the root\ccm namespace on the local system.
	Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\ccm")

	' Get all objects in the CCM_Client class.
	set allCCMClientObjects = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from CCM_Client")

	' Loop through the available objects (only one) and display ClientId value.
	For Each eachCCMClientObject in allCCMClientObjects
	 wscript.echo "ClientId (GUID): " & eachCCMClientObject.ClientId	 
End Sub
C#  Copy Code
public void GetClientUniqueID()
		// Define the scope (namespace) to connect to.
		ManagementScope inventoryAgentScope = new ManagementScope(@"root\ccm");

		// Load the class to work with (CCM_Client).
		ManagementClass inventoryClass = new ManagementClass(inventoryAgentScope.Path.Path, "CCM_Client", null);

		// Query the class for the objects (create query, create searcher object, execute query).
		ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM CCM_Client");
		ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(inventoryAgentScope, query);
		ManagementObjectCollection queryResults = searcher.Get();

		// Loop through the available objects (only one) and display the ClientId value.
		foreach (ManagementObject result in queryResults)
			Console.WriteLine("ClientId (GUID): " + result["ClientId"]);

	catch (System.Management.ManagementException ex)
		Console.WriteLine("Failed to get client ID (GUID). Error: " + ex.Message);


Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:



Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Securing Configuration Manager Applications.

See Also

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