The Configuration Manager 2007 objects are instances of Configuration Manager-specific Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes that are managed by the SMS Provider. The Configuration Manager object class categories are described in the following table.

Configuration Manager 2007 Object Class Category Description

Software distribution

Objects associated with the software distribution feature of Configuration Manager, such as advertisement, collection, package, and program objects.


Organizes scheduled Configuration Manager events, such as inventory updates.


Contains information about Configuration Manager sites.


Describes the permissions granted to users and user groups to operate on specific Configuration Manager-secured objects, such as program and package objects.


Describes Configuration Manager site database queries.


Populated when Configuration Manager discovers potential client computers, users, user groups, and other types of objects within the boundaries of the site.


Provides the structure for inventory operations on Configuration Manager client systems, users, and user groups.

Software metering

Describes the metered Configuration Manager resources, such as program files.

Status and summarizer

Indicates the status of Configuration Manager sites, components, and software distribution operations.

Collected files

Contains information about files collected from clients.


To show SMS Provider object property values in the Configuration Manager 2007 console results pane, start the console with the following command line:

<InstallationDirectory>\AdminConsole.msc /SMS:DebugView=1

For more information about command-line options, see Configuration Manager Console Command-Line Options

See Also

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