This method supports the Configuration Manager infrastructure and renders your task sequence inoperable if it is called.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and defines the method.

SInt32 RefreshPkgSource();



Return Values

An SInt32 data type that is 0 to indicate success or non-zero to indicate failure.

For information about handling returned errors, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


Using this method is the only way to force an update of the source files, other than by creating a RefreshSchedule value for the package. For information about the RefreshSchedule property, see SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.

If the package specifies STORAGE_COMPRESS for the PkgSourceFlag property, the CD or source medium needs to be in a ready state at the time your application calls this method.


Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also

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